
Category - Brand Leadership

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How To Build Your Brand
Are You An Entrepreneur, Or Are You Really A Hard-working Employee?
Project Confidence To Win Business
Plan On A Page
How To Pander To Your Customers’ Guilty Pleasures

How To Build Your Brand

Your brand is not your logo – it is so much more than that!

Your brand is what makes you stand out from the competition. Your customers are loyal to your brand because it represents what your business means to them. Your brand is part promise, part standard, and all about your success.

If you haven’t done any work on your brand and think you don’t have one – think again! If you haven’t carefully created a brand, your customers have made one up for you. They see the way you behave, they watch your customer service, they look at your fonts and look, your marketing and your business standards, and what they perceived has become your brand. If you want to be in control of how you are seen and what your business means to customers, then you need to work on your visible brand now.

If you want to develop your brand there are 6 steps:-

  1. Clarify your vision, mission and values
  2. Decide how that vision should be seen publicly
  3. Create a brand language and message
  4. Design graphics and logos that are sympathetic to your message
  5. Ensure your brand promise is backed up by your product or service
  6. Develop a marketing strategy

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Are You An Entrepreneur, Or Are You Really A Hard-working Employee?

Most of my readers are entrepreneurs and small business owners, so they would be surprised at the premise in the title of this week’s article.

Are you an entrepreneur – a small business owner – or are you actually a hard-working employee – for yourself?

A lot of my readers won’t want to hear this, but you must.

Successful entrepreneurs are driven. But then successful hard-working employees are also driven. But what drives them are two different things. A hard-working employee is driven to be good at their job. They take pride in a job well done. They work hard to make sure it is done well. When their entrepreneur bosses push these successful employees the reaction is often anger and frustration.

Successful employees deeply believe that they are doing their best and working hard. They are – but in their jobs. In their job description, within the parameters, working hard at the procedure or in the technology, putting in the hours…as an employee.

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Project Confidence To Win Business

Small business owners are sometimes unsure of yourselves.

That’s not unnatural, after all sometimes you feel like you’re too small, or perhaps you’re not sure what’s on-trend and wonder if you’re keeping up. However it’s well researched that confident people are found to be more attractive than hesitant people or people who lack confidence. Confidence breeds confidence in you.

So small business owners need to believe in themselves and project confidence in order to win business. Sure, over-confidence can not only be a turn off, it may set you up to fail if you can’t meet the expectations that you set up.

The secret is to find that balance of showing confidence in a measured way. How do you do this?

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Plan On A Page

It’s late January – are you still keeping track of your New Year’s Resolutions?

Making resolutions is great. Making resolution sets goals, and if you are clear about your goals they become possible. But in order to make those goals real, you need plans. Once you have plans, you need to work on them – every day!

It’s the same for your business. Set your goals, make your plans – then, how do you keep them front of mind before you get lost in all the little things you have to do?

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How To Pander To Your Customers’ Guilty Pleasures


A fine wine?

A good, tear-jerking rom-com?

We all have our guilty pleasures! We all harbour secret desires that we don’t always voice out loud because they’re too embarrassing or perhaps seem unrealistic.

Well your customers have them too, and they form the real deep-down basis of why they buy things. They want to be rich, famous, acknowledged, happy, sexy, buffed, clever, thin – so they buy products that will make them feel that way and outwardly say logical things like “I love that brand of dress because they are so well made.” What they really mean is “that dress hugs my curves and makes me feel great!”

What are your customers’ guilty pleasures?



Remember, people don’t buy because of what your product is made of – they buy because of the way they feel about it. So

  • Understand what they want and how else they get to feel that emotion?
  • How does your product give them that experience?
  • Clarify your message to tell them exactly how to get that feeling
  • Place those messages and the product exactly where they go to get that feeling.

If you want more great ideas, and free tips and tools on how to grow your business, go to teikoh.com and sign up to get them delivered to your inbox every week.

And if you want to know more about how to create appealing marketing messages for your customers – targeting exactly what they want, check out my online marketing planning course and online workshop here.


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