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Treat Your People Like A Big Business
Six Traits Every SME Leader Should Have
Interviewing New Hires
Make Sure Your Sales Prospects “Hear” You
How to define your “why”?

Treat Your People Like A Big Business

You may own and operate a small business. But if you employ people, there’s no reason why they should be treated like small people, ignored, just told what to do, undeveloped.

All businesses should treat their team with respect and just that – as “team” members, where everyone is aware of the rules of the game and where the goals are, and one where everyone pulls together and help weaker team members, using each person’s individual strengths for the good of the whole.

Larger businesses with, maybe, more resources spend time in the “People and Culture” Divisions, developing people, and making sure that everyone is on the same page about the company’s Mission, Vision, and Values.

But here’s the thing – even as a small business, you can do the same.

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Six Traits Every SME Leader Should Have

Having a great leader is crucial to the success of a business. In fact, positive leadership has been proven to improve employee engagement, especially in Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which helps the company achieve its goals. A good leader also cultivates a positive workplace culture, which, in turn, encourages employees to be productive and loyal.

However, if you want to become a good leader, there are a few traits you should observe. Below are the six traits that every SME leader should possess.

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Interviewing New Hires

Choosing a new member of the team relies on asking the right questions when you first interview them for the role.

Applicants are likely to have provided you with a good resume. If not you should rightly discard them from the shortlist. The good ones will have laid out their past experience, their skills and qualifications and perhaps even some discussion about why they are the person to fit the description in your advertisement. If you have a number of good applicants, the descriptions on paper will make it hard to decide who is best for the job.

How do you make sure that you are making the right choice?

This week, I want to give you a system for your interviews that you can use every time you interview someone for a position in your business.

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Make Sure Your Sales Prospects “Hear” You

I was recently reminded that people take in information in different ways.

This has a critical impact on sales conversations you are having with sales prospects.

Have you ever been in a position where you have been trying to explain to a sales prospect how your service or product could really help them, laying out all the benefits in the way you should – and their eyes glaze over? If you have, you will know that sinking feeling that you are losing them, no matter how well you prepared your pitch, nor how well you got on with them and how you warmed them up at the beginning.

The fact that people have different preferences on how they receive information is crucial to whether or not they “hear” what you are telling them, so what can you do to make sure you give them information in the way they want it? Read More

How to define your “why”?

Since Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk “How great leaders inspire action” and his book “Start With Why” everyone has been inspired by the need to understand and define the higher purpose of your business – not what you do but why you do it.

The premise is that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

I have spoken often enough about the power of a clear vision – a strong vision statement sets the target for your business to work towards. I have also spoken, in marketing terms, about how you should not swell the features of your product but the needs that it meets.

The higher purpose – your “why” – is an extension of these two principles: “People don’t buy what you do,” how boring, “people buy why you do it,” that’s inspirational.

But if you’re confused about your higher purpose, how do you find and define it?

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