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5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 5
5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 4
5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 3
5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 2
5 Personal Changes To Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 1

5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 5

Those of you who have been following me or have undertaken my online courses know that I have worked as a Business Consultant and Coach to small business owners all over the world for the last 30 years. I have studied in Business Schools and undertaken all kinds of business and finance courses, but this practical experience has given me the unique opportunity to see what works, and what doesn’t. It has allowed me to study success, and to tease out the habits, formulae, and steps to create a truly great business.

I have distilled the 5 personal changes anyone who wants to be a highly successful entrepreneur needs to make. Why make your own mistakes to learn from, when you can painlessly follow these 5 necessities that have been worked out from real-world experience?

This is the fifth personal change that you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur. If you have missed out on my earlier blog posts on the first 4 changes you need to make, get over to my website at teikoh.com to catch up.

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5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 4

This is part 4 of a 5 part series on the personal changes you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

These are the “habits” that I have distilled from highly successful entrepreneurs that I have had the privilege of working with, from all over the world, over the last 30 years of my career as a business consultant. Success doesn’t just happen – successful people do things in a certain way and I have found that if you can systematise what they do, you can reconstruct what they do.

If you missed parts 1, 2 and 3, go to my website at https://teikoh.com to catch up and discover the first three personal changes you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur. This is about mind-set, and you need to change your mind-set in these particular ways to ensure success.

So let’s get to the fourth personal change you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

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5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 3

In my career spanning 30 years consulting to small business owners all over the world, I have had the privilege of working with the most successful entrepreneurs. This has allowed me to distil the changes to mind-set that I believe are required to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

This is the third of a 5 part series on the personal changes you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

The first change is moving from being an expert to leveraging your experience, and the second change is moving from being a master of apprentices to being a coach of a team of masters. If you missed these go to my website at https://teikoh.com and watch the videos on those two changes that you need to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

Don’t miss the fourth and fifth changes to your mind-set that you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur. Subscribe to my blog and get parts 4 and 5 sent directly to your inbox by clicking here – https://teikoh.mykajabi.com/p/join-in – and then you won’t miss the free download that comes with part 5 on successful entrepreneurs.

Now, what’s the third change you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur?

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5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 2

This is the second of a 5 part series on the personal changes you need to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

What do you mean you missed part 1? You need to provide me with your name and email so that I can send you these valuable free ideas and systems to grow you business, so go here – https://teikoh.mykajabi.com/p/join-in – or to my website at teikoh.com and watch part 1 and sign up!

Last week, in part 1, I explained that over 30 years of consulting to the most successful business owners, I have distilled their common characteristics and habits to come up with the 5 personal – mind-set – changes you need to make in order to become a highly successful entrepreneur.  Lass week was the change in moving from being an expert to leveraging your expertise.

This week it’s about moving from being a master of apprentices, to being a coach of a team of masters.

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5 Personal Changes To Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 1

Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a highly successful entrepreneur?

I’m lucky because over the last 30 plus years, I have worked with people who have failed in business – as well as people who have created the most successful, sustainable and long-lived businesses, so I have been able to observe and learn.

While having a great business idea is essential, while being able to access capital is important, having watched the most successful entrepreneurs in action, I firmly believe that it is their mind-set that creates their success. I have studied my successful clients and I believe there are 5 fundamental personal changes that are required.

What are these 5 personal changes you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur?

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