
Category - Corporate Culture

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Treat Your People Like A Big Business
Six Traits Every SME Leader Should Have
Growing Your Business By Setting It Up To Scale
Growing Your Business By Growing Your Employees
Dealing With Overwhelm In A Small Business

Treat Your People Like A Big Business

You may own and operate a small business. But if you employ people, there’s no reason why they should be treated like small people, ignored, just told what to do, undeveloped.

All businesses should treat their team with respect and just that – as “team” members, where everyone is aware of the rules of the game and where the goals are, and one where everyone pulls together and help weaker team members, using each person’s individual strengths for the good of the whole.

Larger businesses with, maybe, more resources spend time in the “People and Culture” Divisions, developing people, and making sure that everyone is on the same page about the company’s Mission, Vision, and Values.

But here’s the thing – even as a small business, you can do the same.

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Six Traits Every SME Leader Should Have

Having a great leader is crucial to the success of a business. In fact, positive leadership has been proven to improve employee engagement, especially in Small-Medium Enterprises (SMEs), which helps the company achieve its goals. A good leader also cultivates a positive workplace culture, which, in turn, encourages employees to be productive and loyal.

However, if you want to become a good leader, there are a few traits you should observe. Below are the six traits that every SME leader should possess.

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Growing Your Business By Setting It Up To Scale

When you start your business, and as it grows, you will have a picture in your mind about where it will end up as your successful business.

The chances are that you see a business that grows and is prosperous, efficient, duplicating what it does for your clients now, but on a much larger scale, and repeating your success in bigger contexts.

This doesn’t happen by chance. You need to plan it, you need to set it up correctly so that it will scale efficiently rather than in fits and starts and discover all sorts of inefficiencies and roadblocks to growth along the way.

We will look at the steps you need to take, right now, before the growth spurts start, to set up your business to scale.

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Growing Your Business By Growing Your Employees

Typically, small businesses employ a small number of people before they expand and grow.

As small businesses grow, the way they develop and grow their people will help them grow their business as well. So, the performance of those people in the early years is fundamental to the performance of the business as it grows.

Therefore your small business should attempt to ensure the best performance from your employees, and systems to help them grow and develop along with your business.

The best way of developing your employees is to implement an effective review system where they are shown what their key performance indicators are, where they can be given clear targets to achieve, and where positive but honest feedback can be given both ways so that they are helped to develop and that they provide feedback to you on how you can best use them in your business.

In order to implement an effective staff performance review system, you first need to have something against which to measure. Read More

Dealing With Overwhelm In A Small Business

About 3 years ago I read an article in a small business magazine that said over 70% of small business owners were overwhelmed by their work and responsibilities.

Do you think that got better or worse in 2020?

At the best of times, small business owners have multiple responsibilities and have to deal with multiple issues and decisions at any one time. Even the most well organised of us sometimes feel as if they are ten different people in one body!

Stress and small business owners are two things that always come together.

From what I understand, stress actually affects your body on a cellular level. The change it affects on your body makes you physically as well as mentally tired, and it makes you more and more unable to cope with stress. So, the more stressed and overwhelmed you feel….. the more stress and overwhelm you will feel!

And if stress is not good for you, a stressed leader is certainly not good for your business!

So it is more than worthwhile for all small business owners to organise their affairs and workflows to reduce stress and overwhelm.

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