
Archive - 2016

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You gotta love your customers!
From Expertise to Influencer
Get Your Team Motivated!
5 Steps to Create Your Small Business Brand
So, How Are Your 2016 Resolutions Going?

You gotta love your customers!

You know, you really have to love your customers.

Customers are the heart and soul of a business because they inspire you to serve better, they make your business dream a reality because they wish to be served by you, and if you treat them right, they are going to be alongside you for ever.

But you know what, you have to serve all your customers, but what about your best customers who regularly buy from you, or spend the most with you, or are loyal and have been with you for years?

Have you ever considered how much time, energy, and money it costs you to find a new customer? Try to work it out and I think you will find that on average it takes you 3 to 5 times more to find a new customer than to keep an existing one.

So how do you keep them happy and coming back for more? Read More

From Expertise to Influencer

Whether you are employed, or you run a small or micro business as an expert; whatever you are an expert in from a specialisation in the law to yoga to marketing to healthy living and eating; there’s no point being an expert unless you are recognised for it.

Let me be clear I’m not just talking about getting a financial reward, although that helps. The reason you became an expert, whether through accumulation of experience or a proactive decision to increase skill, was to help others. You cannot help others unless your expertise is known.

Once you are recognised as an expert in your field, your salary negotiations take on a different slant, your business marketing improves, and the influence you have over people who want to be helped by your expertise increases.

So how do you go from being an expert to being an influencer? Read More

Get Your Team Motivated!

Running a business as an entrepreneur – even if you’re a “sole-preneur” – involves working with others at some stage.

You either have to work with employees, or with contractors, VA’s, or others helping you to deliver your product or service and to serve your customer. You need to have them committed to your purpose and principles in order for you to provide the kind of quality and service that you want to provide to your customer. Believe me, if their heart isn’t in it, your customer will “feel” the lack of commitment. It will show in your turnaround times, in the design of your product or service, and in the overall culture in the workplace.

So, if your team seems to lack motivation, what can you do?

Well it starts with you, as the leader. You need to be absolutely clear about your business vision and purpose – the “why” of your being in business.

Then, I believe you can use three actions to motivate your team:-

  1. Align
  2. Build Trust
  3. Be consistent and deliberate.

Watch this video about how to put these actions into place.

Many studies have shown an engaged team out-produces an unengaged team. You need to bring people with you on your exciting journey and all it takes is a few simple, but deliberate and consistent steps.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments on the blog – get over to teikoh.com and post your comments. What have you done to motivate your team? What results have you seen?

If you’re reading and watching this from a post, why don’t you sign up for our weekly free newsletter that will send you plenty of valuable ideas, systems, step by step processes, to help you create strategy, provide leadership and grow your business. Click here to get it now!

Or why not get a free Business Health Checklist? Click here and I will send you the link to download an Entrepreneur’s Business Health Checklist that will assess the 6 Key Result Areas of your business.

5 Steps to Create Your Small Business Brand

“I’d like to create a brand that speaks about me.”

“I need someone from Fiverr to design me a brand.”

“I know what I do but I wonder how to turn that into a brand?”

You’ve probably heard similar remarks. “Your brand” is talked a lot about these days, especially in a world where online commerce and the micro not-location-specific online business is gaining such momentum. But what is your “brand”?

Let me say right up that your brand is not your logo. Coca-Cola is not about the logo or even the shape of the bottle. It includes all you feel when you think about Coke – fun, young, outdoors. Apple is not about the backlit macintosh apple with a bite out of it, it is all that it entails – design quality, Steve Jobs, the whole ecosphere of physical and software design surrounding tech. Read More

So, How Are Your 2016 Resolutions Going?

You have to admit, I’ve given you a chance! I haven’t asked you about your New Year resolutions until now so you have to agree I’ve given you a good head start, right?

So, how are your New Year resolutions going? Are you ticking them off? Or like many others have they fallen off the cliff after 2 or 3 months (or should I say weeks)?

If you have been working on them, and you are on track – hey, congratulations! You are amongst that elite group who pick out what’s important and focus on the end. You follow through!

As for the rest of you, don’t feel bad. You haven’t failed! All that’s happened is that you now realise you don’t have a system to follow through. So, don’t give up, if your resolutions or goals are that important to you, keep trying.

But this time, arm yourself with a winning formula for following through.

In this video I’m providing training on the formula for following through on your resolutions and goals.

Here’s a tweetable that comes out of the training for you – Hit your goals everytime by keying in on key goals @OhTeik


  1. Fewer (but key) goals
  2. Make real written plans with deadlines and resources
  3. Commit – believe you need to do this and you can do this
  4. Review regularly – set yourself up to succeed
  5. Don’t forget to celebrate every win!

For more ideas and tips on creating great strategy, show leadership and grow your business, go to my website at teikoh.com – subscribe while you’re there, or just subscribe here, to get these valuable ideas delivered to your inbox for free!

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