
Category - Leadership

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Business Owners’ Resilience
7 Keys To Be A Leader In Your Business
Begin With The End In Mind
Keep Getting Value From Teik Oh Dot Com
How Do You Build A Great Corporate Culture?

Business Owners’ Resilience

This week, I was reminded how stressful owning and operating a business can be.

A friend had a stress attack that seriously stopped him in his tracks. His doctor said that it could have led to a heart attack from the stress it put on his body systems.

Now, I’m not saying that it was caused by something in his business, but I know he works hard at the business, always looking ahead and thinking about his team, the business key indicators, and on how to improve the business. What I am saying is that for all of us, business is stressful.

As business owners we owe it, not only to ourselves, but to our families and loved ones, and to those who depend on us, to stay healthy and resilient. At the end of the day, resilience is about mental flexibility and the ability to adapt to change and uncertainty.

How do you do that?

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7 Keys To Be A Leader In Your Business

I hope your business is growing well. I don’t know when you started your business, but if it is growing well, and perhaps on the way you envisaged, you will have hit that stage where you are no longer the do-er.

When you first started, like me, you probably did everything. Nothing was beneath you, not even cleaning the office!

But as your business grew, and you hired staff, and the number of staff grew, doing everything yourself was no longer feasible. Your role changed, from being that specialist expert in your trade to being a generalist having to know a bit about everything in the running of the business – despite the fact that you just couldn’t do it all yourself.

Sound familiar? Guess what? You’ve moved from do-er to leader!

You are no longer expected to solve every problem, but you are expected to set the agenda and leads the way for everyone.

How do you do that? What do you need to do in order to transition? Read More

Begin With The End In Mind

Do you wonder how some people seemingly rack up win after win, complete project after project, apparently unswayed by detail and interruption?

Have you watched these people achieve goal after goal exactly as they set out to do and wondered what their secret was?

It’s because they set out with a very clear objective, and vision of what the end looks like. Stephen Covey (The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People) called it his second habit “Begin with the end in mind.”

If you have a very clear picture of what the end should look like, it resolves so many problems along the way. If you know exactly what you want at the end, the answers to questions about detail like “who should be involved,” or “who do we hire out of these choices,” or “which option is the best” all become clear because you know exactly who you need in your team to put it together because of the skills you need; what type of person to hire to best suit the way it is to be managed at the end; and which option – despite the cost – best meets your objectives most efficiently.

A vision of the end not only sets the goals, but because you are so clear on what it looks like, also establishes the correct process of getting there, because anything that doesn’t or isn’t likely to get you to exactly the right place is out. Read More

Keep Getting Value From Teik Oh Dot Com

This week is not a how-to article or video.

I just wanted to take some time out and announce new ways for you to keep getting value from my website, teikoh.com



You can register your name and email by clicking here. I promise that I will not give your details to anyone else, I hate spam as much as you do. However in return you will get from me weekly free tips, tools and resources on how to grow your business, sent directly to your inbox to read or watch at your own time.

You can also go to my courses page by clicking here and check out what courses are available to help you grow your business. Most of my online courses are “in real time” workshops so that we work together to start your business, or prepare your marketing plan, or prepare your business plan, or get yourself productive.

You can also go to teikoh.com and check out all the free downloads that will help you grow your business.

If you haven’t started a business yet and you want to, but it’s all getting confusing and overwhelming, why don’t you get my business startup checklist here.

I hope you’ll keep coming back for more!

How Do You Build A Great Corporate Culture?

I have been trying to find the exact quote but not had success. Peter Drucker, the renowned 20th century management consultant and management author is said to have said “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

Despite not being able to find the exact citation, the phrase certainly paraphrases much of Peter Drucker’s work.

So what is corporate culture, and why is it so kick-ass?

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