Hi there! This is part 2 of the 10 most asked questions about marketing.
I dealt with the top four questions last week. This week I will look at another three, and then in part 3 next week I will look at the last three as well as give you a 7 step process to create your own targeted marketing plan.
Here are the next three most common questions about marketing.
I have been getting a lot of inquiries about marketing – where to start, what to do, and so on.
So, I thought I’d put together the top 10 questions about marketing that I get and discuss them over a three-part series. I’m going to deal with the top 4 questions this week, and continue next week with the next three. In week three I will deal with the final 3 and give you a simple process to create your targeted marketing plan.
I just wanted to take some time out and announce new ways for you to keep getting value from my website, teikoh.com
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You can also go to my courses page by clicking here and check out what courses are available to help you grow your business. Most of my online courses are “in real time” workshops so that we work together to start your business, or prepare your marketing plan, or prepare your business plan, or get yourself productive.
Let’s start with the premise that you need a business plan (believe me you do!).
But who’s got time, right? If you’re a solopreneur you’re probably juggling your (so-called) worklife balance. If you have a team, how do you get everyone to take some time out to sit down together for a few days?
Unfortunately you do need a business plan. Not having one is like being the Captain on a jetliner with no flight plan. Sure you can take off and fly in a straight line, but where are you going? How fast should you fly, and does the amount of fuel you have allow that speed? Is there any weather ahead, and should you fly through it or above it? What happens if storms delay your progress, do you fly an alternative route or land somewhere else?
Your business plan needs to define the vision you are working towards, set the milestones or goals along the way, and work out how to get there with the resources you need. But it needn’t be complicated if you can’t set the time aside – it just needs a clear enough path. One that you can detail later when you have the time. Read More
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