
Category - Human Resource Management

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Improve Team Collaboration
Reduce Workplace Miscommunication and Drama
Get Your Team Motivated!
Your Business Health Check
Teamwork needs Agreement!

Improve Team Collaboration

In order for teams to work effectively and productively, they need to collaborate effectively.

Now, you might think that first sentence is all about corporates? Well guess what, teams are there in any business. They might be teams of employees, or teams of contractors and virtual assistants for all you solopreneurs out there. They might even be a team of partners. All of these have to find ways to collaborate effectively in order to all head in the same direction – forwards!

One of the ways to improve team collaboration is to set up some “rules” about how the team “plays” – rules about how work is done together, how decisions are made, even how disputes are resolved. These “rules of conduct” help to clarify everyone’s expectations about how things are done in the team.

In this week’s video, I explore team rules of conduct, what they are, what they should include, and how to set them up.

If you want to know more about team rules of conduct, here’s a great article on what to include, and here is an article on how to facilitate the establishment of one in a workshop.

This is where the fun starts – in the sharing – please go to the blog and leave a comment under this video telling all of us what your team rules of conduct are.

BTW “teamwork” is one of the key result areas I would assess in your Business Health Check – to get a free download, and assess the 6 key result areas of your business health, click here to give your email and get the download. Please – I really hate spam, so I promise you that I will never sell or trade your email to anyone else, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

Reduce Workplace Miscommunication and Drama

Whether as an entrepreneur you have staff or as a solopreneur you have contractors and VA’s, we all have to deal with people. And when you deal with people, people sometimes say the wrong thing or say something they don’t mean. Maybe even you do it?

Building an effective team to serve your customer is hard enough under normal circumstances – you really don’t need the drama of inter-personal relationships heading south!

Most inter-personal issues are caused by the wrong messages – given or received. So, we often need a way to defuse a tense situation.

What better way than to provide an affirmative, supportive message? Turn the negative situation into a positive one!

In this video I talk about four ways you can re-frame the situation from a tense and negative inter-personal conflict into one where all parties can work together from a place of better understanding.

What better way to operate an efficient and productive workplace than to start from the positive? All you need to do is to re-frame any negative situation by understanding that you can view it from a different place, and build from there.

So, get over to the blog by clicking here and leave a comment under this video – about how you have defused some tense workplace confrontations.

If you are an entrepreneur and want to make sure your business is heading in the right direction by being set up right, why don’t you give me your name and email by clicking here to get my free Entrepreneur’s Business Health Checklist. I don’t like spam – I guarantee that I will never sell or give away your details!

And, if you are reading and watching this on one of my social media channels, don’t miss out on these weekly articles that help you to grow your business – sign up here for me to deliver these weekly direct to you inbox.

Get Your Team Motivated!

Running a business as an entrepreneur – even if you’re a “sole-preneur” – involves working with others at some stage.

You either have to work with employees, or with contractors, VA’s, or others helping you to deliver your product or service and to serve your customer. You need to have them committed to your purpose and principles in order for you to provide the kind of quality and service that you want to provide to your customer. Believe me, if their heart isn’t in it, your customer will “feel” the lack of commitment. It will show in your turnaround times, in the design of your product or service, and in the overall culture in the workplace.

So, if your team seems to lack motivation, what can you do?

Well it starts with you, as the leader. You need to be absolutely clear about your business vision and purpose – the “why” of your being in business.

Then, I believe you can use three actions to motivate your team:-

  1. Align
  2. Build Trust
  3. Be consistent and deliberate.

Watch this video about how to put these actions into place.

Many studies have shown an engaged team out-produces an unengaged team. You need to bring people with you on your exciting journey and all it takes is a few simple, but deliberate and consistent steps.

I’d love to hear from you in the comments on the blog – get over to teikoh.com and post your comments. What have you done to motivate your team? What results have you seen?

If you’re reading and watching this from a post, why don’t you sign up for our weekly free newsletter that will send you plenty of valuable ideas, systems, step by step processes, to help you create strategy, provide leadership and grow your business. Click here to get it now!

Or why not get a free Business Health Checklist? Click here and I will send you the link to download an Entrepreneur’s Business Health Checklist that will assess the 6 Key Result Areas of your business.

Your Business Health Check

It’s still early in the new year, and I’ll bet one of your New Year resolutions was something to do with health – exercise more, eat better, diet, go to see your doctor for a health check?

Well I don’t know how well you have been keeping to your resolutions nearly three weeks into the new year, but why don’t you check your business in for a health check?

The website teikoh.com has free resources available for download and these include health checks or “audits” for your business. It would not be a waste of time to spend an hour or two going through these for your business. When I conduct these for my clients, I charge up to $2,000 a session. True, this come with my personal 30 years’ experience in business and my interpretation of diagnosis and medication, but you can at least spend some time to look over your own business to see what areas you will need to work on in 2016. Read More

Teamwork needs Agreement!

The more I help clients grow their businesses, the more I see how “teamwork” is not a natural thang!

Sure people like to belong, and people like to help in a common endeavour, but people are different and they have different values, habits and personalities. Ask your team to define “a job well done” and you will get a variety of different answers.

This may not sound like a significant problem, but what if their different definitions of a job well done mean that they approach the joint task differently? To you, it might be okay to call out at team meetings discussing how to do something, and voice your ideas. To someone else, they might want to think through the problem and think that your calling out is just self-aggrandisement, and just plain rude. There may be a raft of other differences that can cause team members to be frustrated at each other and the way the team works.

In a more formal structure, I have helped clients create team “charters” which outline what the team was formed to do, its objectives and scope, and its authority in doing the task. Read More

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