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5 Ways To Empower Your Team
7 Steps To Create Better Teamwork
Create Workplace Wellbeing Programs
Business Owners’ Resilience
How Do You Build A Great Corporate Culture?

5 Ways To Empower Your Team

As we build our businesses, we will need to build teams.

Teamwork makes processes more efficient and the supportive behaviours in teams can also provide the platform on which businesses expand.

But teams aren’t just about friends. In fact, some strong teams are made up of people who don’t necessarily engage socially. Teams don’t just work well together, good teams work well because they know when to do things, and what are the right things to do in the circumstances.

So, how do you create this team system in your small business? Read More

7 Steps To Create Better Teamwork

Teamwork doesn’t just happen. Teams are not just made up of friends.

Some of the most effective teams I have met are made up of people who don’t even see each other outside of work, who don’t even share the same interests. Yet, at work, in a team situation, they work well together, each completing a part of the whole without being asked, each contributing what they can and need to in order for the outcome to be completed efficiently and completely.

So how do you create a great team and good teamwork?

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Create Workplace Wellbeing Programs

There are some well-established studies that show that “wellbeing” in the workplace makes a lasting difference to the bottom line.

Apart from these studies, by university psych departments as well as business schools, it’s logical if you think about it. Employees who are uncomfortable at work, who carry problems into work and don’t find a release at work, logically are not as productive as happy, engaged employees.

Employees who are engaged at work – who identify with their teams and the company, who feel pride in theirs and the group’s achievements, work more productively. Unlike their disengaged, unhappy counterparts, they jump at the chance to contribute to something they believe in.

All workplaces try to create “wellbeing” in one form or other. Think of the Friday drinks. But workplace wellbeing, leading to solid employee engagement is more than just the regular social event.

How do you create a working wellbeing program?

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Business Owners’ Resilience

This week, I was reminded how stressful owning and operating a business can be.

A friend had a stress attack that seriously stopped him in his tracks. His doctor said that it could have led to a heart attack from the stress it put on his body systems.

Now, I’m not saying that it was caused by something in his business, but I know he works hard at the business, always looking ahead and thinking about his team, the business key indicators, and on how to improve the business. What I am saying is that for all of us, business is stressful.

As business owners we owe it, not only to ourselves, but to our families and loved ones, and to those who depend on us, to stay healthy and resilient. At the end of the day, resilience is about mental flexibility and the ability to adapt to change and uncertainty.

How do you do that?

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How Do You Build A Great Corporate Culture?

I have been trying to find the exact quote but not had success. Peter Drucker, the renowned 20th century management consultant and management author is said to have said “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

Despite not being able to find the exact citation, the phrase certainly paraphrases much of Peter Drucker’s work.

So what is corporate culture, and why is it so kick-ass?

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