
Archive - 2018

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Can You Spin Your Elevator Speech?
7 Steps To Create Better Teamwork
Make Your Vision Come Alive
7 Things To Do When Your Business Is Struggling
You want to start a new business – but are you ready?

Can You Spin Your Elevator Speech?

We all know what is an elevator speech, right?

In fact, if you go to teikoh.com and scroll through the blog archives you’ll see that I’ve even made a video showing you how to structure your elevator speech and how to say it.

The premise is simple, you’re in an elevator with a prospect and in the two minutes you are in there for the ride, you need to be able to quickly introduce yourself, explain what you do, and entice him with what you could do for them. The idea is that in your elevator speech you pack enough of your unique selling proposition to be able to make them sit up and ask you for your business card.

But really, how’s that working out for you?

The averages say that about 20% of the people you are able to say an elevator speech to, actually show an interest and of these maybe 20% do actually follow up.

So, your elevator speech itself has to be quite unique – to make them really go: “Huh? Tell me more!”

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7 Steps To Create Better Teamwork

Teamwork doesn’t just happen. Teams are not just made up of friends.

Some of the most effective teams I have met are made up of people who don’t even see each other outside of work, who don’t even share the same interests. Yet, at work, in a team situation, they work well together, each completing a part of the whole without being asked, each contributing what they can and need to in order for the outcome to be completed efficiently and completely.

So how do you create a great team and good teamwork?

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Make Your Vision Come Alive

I’ll bet that when you started your business you didn’t just decide to start it because you “wanted to make money”. Even if you didn’t formally work on it or you may not even have been conscious of it, I’ll bet that when you started your business you had an idea of what you wanted to achieve at the end of the day.

You might have called it your dream or your goal, or perhaps your vision, but I’m sure that deep down inside you had a very clear picture of what you and your business would be like at the end of the day. You “saw” yourself serving your customers, helping them and giving them solutions, you “felt” the pride and the achievement you would put into the business, and I think you would have smiled when you thought of how you would feel and the lifestyle it would give you.

Am I right?

That feeling and that idea are what I call your business vision. How can you harness those deep down desires into making your business successful?

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7 Things To Do When Your Business Is Struggling

While I am always positive, and in these blog posts and in my online courses I teach small business owners how to grow their businesses, it cannot be denied that we live in turbulent times.

Some industries are doing well. Some businesses are coping very well with the turbulence even if it affects their industry, perhaps they have learned how to batten down the hatches.

However, I’m sure some businesses are struggling. This can be caused by many things from a significant downturn in the industry you are in, to over-borrowing when times were good, and even perhaps to over-optimism or behaving as if everything was the same as before. What can you do if your business is struggling?

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You want to start a new business – but are you ready?

In over 30 years of working with small business owners all over the world, I have helped many people start their own business.

There is a process that you take – a formula that if you followed in precisely the same way, you will find a pain-free way of starting your own business and growing from there.

However, what many people don’t realise until they work with me, is that the first part of that process, the first ingredient in cooking this new business – is you!

Are you ready?

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