Create Workplace Wellbeing Programs
There are some well-established studies that show that “wellbeing” in the workplace makes a lasting difference to the bottom line.
Apart from these studies, by university psych departments as well as business schools, it’s logical if you think about it. Employees who are uncomfortable at work, who carry problems into work and don’t find a release at work, logically are not as productive as happy, engaged employees.
Employees who are engaged at work – who identify with their teams and the company, who feel pride in theirs and the group’s achievements, work more productively. Unlike their disengaged, unhappy counterparts, they jump at the chance to contribute to something they believe in.
All workplaces try to create “wellbeing” in one form or other. Think of the Friday drinks. But workplace wellbeing, leading to solid employee engagement is more than just the regular social event.
How do you create a working wellbeing program?
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