Businesses need measurements. People need measurements.
Without appropriate measurements, how do you know if your business, or your employees, are effective, successful and doing what is supposed to be done?
Determining what to measure can take a lot of consideration, and yet it will probably be only a fraction of the time required to implement the measurement system. However, this investment in time, energy and money will reward you when you can actually see if improvements in sales are caused by new strategies or changes to operations; when you receive early warning about problems from warnings in measurement reports; from understanding what drives the business and what levers to pull to get desired results.
While I am always positive, and in these blog posts and in my online courses I teach small business owners how to grow their businesses, it cannot be denied that we live in turbulent times.
Some industries are doing well. Some businesses are coping very well with the turbulence even if it affects their industry, perhaps they have learned how to batten down the hatches.
However, I’m sure some businesses are struggling. This can be caused by many things from a significant downturn in the industry you are in, to over-borrowing when times were good, and even perhaps to over-optimism or behaving as if everything was the same as before. What can you do if your business is struggling?
I just wanted to take some time out and announce new ways for you to keep getting value from my website,
You can register your name and email by clicking here. I promise that I will not give your details to anyone else, I hate spam as much as you do. However in return you will get from me weekly free tips, tools and resources on how to grow your business, sent directly to your inbox to read or watch at your own time.
You can also go to my courses page by clicking here and check out what courses are available to help you grow your business. Most of my online courses are “in real time” workshops so that we work together to start your business, or prepare your marketing plan, or prepare your business plan, or get yourself productive.
This is the final video in the series about what you can do when your business isn’t doing so great just now.
I am truly positive about working on your business. I truly believe that if you reframe any situation, you can look for the positive and you can come up with strategies to take you forward. All my writing and video talks in my blog are about business growth, about the systems and tools to take your business and your life up another level.
However bad times happen.
Only, I believe the same attitude can overcome bad times, and in the last two videos I gave you some ideas about how you can turn a bad situation around.
Do I know what I’m talking about? Yes I do. Apart from spending over 35 years of my life successfully advising entrepreneurs and small business owners across the world on how to create the business they see in their vision, I have also had cause to pull myself out of near bankruptcy.
Bad partners. Yup, bad partners, but even today I don’t see it as “their fault“. I own my own destiny and you should too. I looked at my “near-death business experience” with realistic eyes and relied on all the systems and tools I knew and created strategies and pulled myself out and created a very successful consulting business from the ashes. You can too – in the last couple of weeks I gave you ideas about how to create recovery strategies if business isn’t great for you at the moment, now watch this last video in the series.
Were you surprised by my last suggestion?
Despite my belief that you can and should keep looking for ways to pull yourself out of trouble, sometimes you have to look reality in the face and know when a situation is too wrong to be righted. Don’t make that decision lightly, but realise you may have to make that decision.
And finally if you are reading or watching this on one of my social media channels, what are you doing??? You are missing out on having great ideas, systems and step by step solutions to your business growth issues delivered directly to your inbox, every week, and for free!
Last week I wrote about how we have to be realistic and despite my wanting to help you grow your business into a successful long term business, we have to be realistic and admit that sometimes business isn’t doing great sometimes.
The question is what can you do in those times, how do you do something proactive to pull yourself out of a hole?
Well last week I gave you the first ideas on what you can do. This week I give a couple more ideas, watch this video now.
You can’t sit on your hands, right? If you want to grow the business of your dreams, sometimes you have to go through difficult times, and when you do, please don’t just sit there in fear and panic bemoaning your fate.
If there’s one thing I’ve learned from over 35 years experience helping entrepreneurs and running businesses myself, where you go from time to time depends entirely on the effort and practice that you put into the situation. If you see it as the end, it will be the end. However if you see it as a challenge – another to overcome – your mind starts to focus on what you can do rather than what has befallen you! If your dream is worth anything, it’s worth fighting for.
Watch out for Part 3 of this series coming out next week – if you don’t want to miss it, I can email it directly to your inbox, just give me your name and email here.
If you’re reading and watching this in one of my social media channels, you may not be seeing each week’s video blog post because of the way social media works. Why don’t you make sure you keep up with all the ways you can grow your long term and resilient business – why not sign up here to get these updates delivered directly to your inbox (and hey, I hate spam so I promise never to sell or give away your information).
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