
Category - Corporate Culture

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How To Increase The Value Of Your Business
5 Ways To Use Your “Why” To Empower Your People
7 Steps To Create Better Teamwork
Make Your Vision Come Alive
How To Write Effective Emails

How To Increase The Value Of Your Business

The value of your business is not just based on the tangible assets – the equipment, the buildings, the accounts receivable – but is also based on intangible assets or “goodwill”.

Goodwill is the “extra” value of your business that is caused by all the intangible things that you do in your business to make it a profitable business that can continue beyond your ownership or stewardship. These include things like your customer relationships, your reputation, the efficiency of the business processes, marketing quality and resources, staff behaviours and culture, and your systems that create a great product and service.

Imagine two similar businesses.

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5 Ways To Use Your “Why” To Empower Your People

No matter what kind of business you are in, you are already in the People Business.

In today’s world, businesses can no longer afford to see staff as “assets” or “resources.” Even the language of business is shifting so that employees and teams are seen first as individuals and people, rather than simply resources to be mobilised. Research has shown time and time again that happier employees translate their experience to gain happier customers, and happier customers mean more sales.

Research has also shown that one of the major reasons that employees perform better, is if they are united by a common purpose. That, not only do they know what they are selling – everyone knows that – they really know why they are selling what they are selling. This is the purpose of your business – the “why” of your very existence.

So, assuming you have worked on your business vision and purpose – your “why” – and been able to translate this for your people, how do you make your small business a truly purpose-led people-business?

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7 Steps To Create Better Teamwork

Teamwork doesn’t just happen. Teams are not just made up of friends.

Some of the most effective teams I have met are made up of people who don’t even see each other outside of work, who don’t even share the same interests. Yet, at work, in a team situation, they work well together, each completing a part of the whole without being asked, each contributing what they can and need to in order for the outcome to be completed efficiently and completely.

So how do you create a great team and good teamwork?

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Make Your Vision Come Alive

I’ll bet that when you started your business you didn’t just decide to start it because you “wanted to make money”. Even if you didn’t formally work on it or you may not even have been conscious of it, I’ll bet that when you started your business you had an idea of what you wanted to achieve at the end of the day.

You might have called it your dream or your goal, or perhaps your vision, but I’m sure that deep down inside you had a very clear picture of what you and your business would be like at the end of the day. You “saw” yourself serving your customers, helping them and giving them solutions, you “felt” the pride and the achievement you would put into the business, and I think you would have smiled when you thought of how you would feel and the lifestyle it would give you.

Am I right?

That feeling and that idea are what I call your business vision. How can you harness those deep down desires into making your business successful?

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How To Write Effective Emails

My business relies heavily on communication, especially, over distance to clients spread across the country relying on email.

I know more than anyone else what an effective tool email could be – as well as the dangers of poorly written, overused, email communications.

So, how do you write effective emails? How do you make sure your message is properly conveyed and is concise and understandable? Read More

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