
Archive - January 2019

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Make Your Vision Real
How To Increase The Value Of Your Business
From Resolutions To Goals
New Year, New Business Plan

Make Your Vision Real

If you have been following my articles, you will certainly have heard me talk about the value of business planning for your business.

Yet you may have been put off preparing your own business plan because you think it’s too hard. Perhaps you think you can’t spare the time, or you think you may have to hire a consultant?

Or is it because you can’t see how a dry document can be brought to life for you to implement it?

What if I told you how easy it is to write your business plan and the key to making it a live document? Read More

How To Increase The Value Of Your Business

The value of your business is not just based on the tangible assets – the equipment, the buildings, the accounts receivable – but is also based on intangible assets or “goodwill”.

Goodwill is the “extra” value of your business that is caused by all the intangible things that you do in your business to make it a profitable business that can continue beyond your ownership or stewardship. These include things like your customer relationships, your reputation, the efficiency of the business processes, marketing quality and resources, staff behaviours and culture, and your systems that create a great product and service.

Imagine two similar businesses.

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From Resolutions To Goals

Have you made some New Year resolutions this year? It’s only been a few weeks so I hope you’ve been thinking about how to make them come true.

Will you go for it this year? Or will the enthusiasm die out by March?

While a few harmless New Year resolutions not being achieved may be a bit of harmless fun, any decisions about what you want to implement in your business could be quite critical to the growth of your business this year. I almost always resolve to do more exercise and when I tail off the daily run come March or April, sure, I’m not as healthy as I could be but that’s about it. Whereas if you fail to implement something in your business effectively, it could mean staying stagnant or growing your business into your vision.

So how do you go from deciding to do something about your business, to actually getting it done? Read More

New Year, New Business Plan

Happy New Year!

It’s a great time of the year to have some quiet time, recharge your batteries, have a rest and get yourself ready to take off in the new year.

At the same time, this piece of quiet and peace is also a great time to make some New Year Resolutions about your business and make some plans – a great time to write your business [plan for the year ahead!

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