
Category - Small Business

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How To Grow A Successful Small Business
Risk Management Planning for the Coronavirus
What Your Customers Love About Benefits
The Six Business Success Factors
How Systems Can Change The World (or at least your sanity)

How To Grow A Successful Small Business

Many people start their own business in order to be independent and to do their work their way, others are passionate creators who love what they do and want to do it for others, and yet others are legacy builders who want to bring something new to the world.

But whatever the reason for starting a business, building a successful business is dependent on established principles.

It is how you balance all of these principles, so that all of them exist in your business, and then what emphasis you place on some of them to get you what you want.

The cold hard truth is that you can’t grow a successful business by relying on your knowledge of how to do things, or your passion, or the value of what you bring to the world. All of these, on their own, will not build your successful business.

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Risk Management Planning for the Coronavirus

I know that I have only just published my usual weekly blog post, but as one of my clients said to me, “we live in interesting times.”

I wanted to quickly put out there what a small business can do in relation to risk management planning the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on their businesses.

But first, let’s get things into perspective.

Do not panic. Do not spread rumours and myths. Do not subscribe to the mob mentality that is now on display in supermarkets across the country. Get your information from trusted medical sources including government health departments and information sites.

However, in these “interesting times” it is prudent to be over-cautious in preparing for how the coronavirus can affect your business, so let’s get into what risk management planning you should be doing.

Let me give you a “checklist” of risk-mitigation procedures and strategies to implement in your small business – no need to give me your email, no need to download – here it is.

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What Your Customers Love About Benefits

I’m going to ask you to put yourself in your customer’s shoes.

It doesn’t matter what you are selling, whether it is a service or a physical product. Whether you are selling it from a shop or office, or online. I want you to forget what you know about what you are selling and look at it from your customer’s eyes.

What do they see?

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The Six Business Success Factors

Last year, I woke up one morning in November and realised that I had been working with small business owners for over 40 years!

It did cause me to give thanks for the opportunity to learn about the concerns and struggles of small business owners because the last 40 years have been an excellent school to learn about what works and what does not. It’s been the living research program where I’ve learned about theoretical principles and models from Business Schools in that period, but what I’ve seen at the coalface has translated all that academic learning into some practical understanding.

All that experience has helped me to identify the six success factors that every small business needs to develop in order to become successful, so I decided to write a free Guide to share these success factors.

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How Systems Can Change The World (or at least your sanity)

There was the Stone Age.

In the Stone Age, small business owners learned the best ways of doing things. Then, they hired staff and they tried to get their staff to do those same things the way they had done them earlier.

Of course, their staff tried to follow. But the small business owner had other tasks to do, so they left their staff alone. But somehow, their staff could not do those things in exactly the same way the owner did them before. Something was always forgotten, one step perhaps, or a key ingredient. The small business owners got frustrated. They showed their staff again. Over time, their staff again kept missing something. In fact. left on their own, their staff often found different ways of doing those things. They thought it was better, but the owners did not agree! In fact, services started to suffer. Their customers just weren’t as satisfied as when the owners did things for them. They complained that each time they bought something, they got something different. I mean, when Fred ordered a Brontosaurus Burger, he expected it to taste the same every time. Yet, sometimes it was served rare, sometimes well done; sometimes it had lost of sauce, sometimes none. What was going on?

So the poor Stone Age small business owner had to keep re-training his people and more often than not had to go back and do it himself. This really was stopping his ability to grow and open more stores because he spent so much of his time training staff, correcting mistakes or doing things himself. He was driving himself insane!

Then came systems, and the world changed!

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