5 Things About Startups Your Friends Won’t Tell You
Are you thinking of starting a new small business?
Exciting times!
But there’s plenty to do – you may even be starting to get overwhelmed about all the things you have to do, or even more overwhelming, unsure about what you have to do!
So, like many others, you probably turn to friends or family, those who have their own business and whom you trust.
Only, be warned, your friends and family may love you so much that they won’t tell you everything!
Because that’s what we do isn’t it? We want to protect the people we love so we sugar coat things, and make things seem simple so that they don’t get hurt.
Or, they are afraid for you and tell you all the risks and start to put you off?
And yet, now is the time you need their honest truth!
Well, here it is – my honesty in all its glory!
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