
Archive - 2017

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Business Owners’ Resilience
Mini-Training on How To Find Your Ideal Customer
Your Sales Funnel
How To Implement Your Plan Successfully
Learn From My Mistakes!

Business Owners’ Resilience

This week, I was reminded how stressful owning and operating a business can be.

A friend had a stress attack that seriously stopped him in his tracks. His doctor said that it could have led to a heart attack from the stress it put on his body systems.

Now, I’m not saying that it was caused by something in his business, but I know he works hard at the business, always looking ahead and thinking about his team, the business key indicators, and on how to improve the business. What I am saying is that for all of us, business is stressful.

As business owners we owe it, not only to ourselves, but to our families and loved ones, and to those who depend on us, to stay healthy and resilient. At the end of the day, resilience is about mental flexibility and the ability to adapt to change and uncertainty.

How do you do that?

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Mini-Training on How To Find Your Ideal Customer

It is a famous marketing mantra – “sell to everyone and you sell to no-one!”

When you start business, any sale is a good sale. The problem is some of us continue with that attitude.

However, while any money coming through the till is good, getting customers there in the first place is about focus, targeting and concentrated effort, not a shotgun blast of advertising hoping you will hit someone.

So, I’m going to start by giving you a free gift!

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Your Sales Funnel

Your Sales Funnel, or Prospecting Sales Funnel, is the model by which you find customers.

All businesses use a Sales Funnel. The question is whether you are using it effectively, or simply ignoring it’s power.

Your Sales Funnel simply describes a predictable sales cycle: you find leads, you qualify (“make a sales pitch”) those leads, then you convert the leads who qualify.

So, at the top of the funnel are where all the leads are, as you make contact and predispose them to a sale you qualify them, and then as they become interested you convert them. At the same time your marketing messages need to be appropriate to the stage of the funnel in which your leads sit. At the top where you are attracting leads you “broadcast” messages to them; then as you start to have conversations you provide “screening” messages, and finally when they are near conversion you give “targeting” messages.

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How To Implement Your Plan Successfully

If you’ve been following my blog posts, you’ll have seen that I have given you systems to prepare your business plan, along with implementable tools and procedures to move from a compelling vision to actions.

Yet, I still get many questions about how you actually implement your plan successfully. People tell me that while they have followed my training and been able to create practical business plans, the difficulty is in keeping up momentum when they start to implement the plan.

In order to keep up the momentum weeks into the implementation, you need to be able to “see” where you are up to and what you have achieved. That way, you are able to gauge your success, adjust accordingly, and quickly understand what is your next step.

So what’s the secret? Read More

Learn From My Mistakes!

If you’ve been following my posts and articles, I hope you’ll agree that I always give you as much value as I can – for free – with great ideas and systems to grow your business.

These systems and processes that I write about and teach you in my videos are systems used by me to help hundreds of clients over the last 30 to 35 years. My clients have used them to grow successful businesses, and I have systematised them all into easy to follow steps, keys, and training products to help more people.

I used them myself to grow my own successful businesses, and my current million dollar consulting business.

So, I know my advice and ideas work!

But this week, I want to share my mistakes.

Why? Read More

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