
Archive - August 2017

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Quality Time At Work
Mini-Training: Choose Your Marketing Activities!
5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 5
5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 4
5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 3

Quality Time At Work

Ever gone home and thought: “what the #@%*& have I done all day?”

When you are running a business, it seems your day is not under your control. Customers need your attention, your team asks for your approval, suppliers email with problems, you open the mail and your bank account looks wrong. What do you do to get control back?

Getting quality time at work is really about focus, and a little bit of discipline. Getting control is about remembering that while you may not be in control of what happens on a day to day basis, in the sense that the results of any actions could go one way or another, you are certainly in control of what you do about it.

So, I have five systems you can implement in order to get that quality time at work, and I have created a downloadable infographic, and this video to show you how to put the system into place.

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Mini-Training: Choose Your Marketing Activities!

This week I’m giving you a free mini-training session on how to choose your most appropriate marketing activities.

Many people think of “advertising” when they think of marketing. But advertising is not the only marketing activity. In fact, in many cases, advertising could be highly inappropriate as a marketing activity in a campaign.

Take for example the case of a professional or consultant. In their case, they find most of their new clients through referrals – previous clients telling friends who to go to. In their type of business, new clients don’t read an ad and say “wow, just the person I’m looking for,” they worry about how the consultant will work with them, whether they have the background and experience. They listen to people they know who have been helped by the consultant. A professional or consultant who chooses advertising of their services will not get value for money.

Sure, advertising has its place – even for the professional or consultant. They could use advertisements in social media to attract people who want to learn about a “how-to” and so gain a lead. But this isn’t advertising their services, it’s letting people get a taste of what the relationship would entail.

This mini-training is about how to choose your most appropriate marketing activities within your marketing campaign.

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5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 5

Those of you who have been following me or have undertaken my online courses know that I have worked as a Business Consultant and Coach to small business owners all over the world for the last 30 years. I have studied in Business Schools and undertaken all kinds of business and finance courses, but this practical experience has given me the unique opportunity to see what works, and what doesn’t. It has allowed me to study success, and to tease out the habits, formulae, and steps to create a truly great business.

I have distilled the 5 personal changes anyone who wants to be a highly successful entrepreneur needs to make. Why make your own mistakes to learn from, when you can painlessly follow these 5 necessities that have been worked out from real-world experience?

This is the fifth personal change that you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur. If you have missed out on my earlier blog posts on the first 4 changes you need to make, get over to my website at teikoh.com to catch up.

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5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 4

This is part 4 of a 5 part series on the personal changes you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

These are the “habits” that I have distilled from highly successful entrepreneurs that I have had the privilege of working with, from all over the world, over the last 30 years of my career as a business consultant. Success doesn’t just happen – successful people do things in a certain way and I have found that if you can systematise what they do, you can reconstruct what they do.

If you missed parts 1, 2 and 3, go to my website at https://teikoh.com to catch up and discover the first three personal changes you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur. This is about mind-set, and you need to change your mind-set in these particular ways to ensure success.

So let’s get to the fourth personal change you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

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5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 3

In my career spanning 30 years consulting to small business owners all over the world, I have had the privilege of working with the most successful entrepreneurs. This has allowed me to distil the changes to mind-set that I believe are required to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

This is the third of a 5 part series on the personal changes you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

The first change is moving from being an expert to leveraging your experience, and the second change is moving from being a master of apprentices to being a coach of a team of masters. If you missed these go to my website at https://teikoh.com and watch the videos on those two changes that you need to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

Don’t miss the fourth and fifth changes to your mind-set that you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur. Subscribe to my blog and get parts 4 and 5 sent directly to your inbox by clicking here – https://teikoh.mykajabi.com/p/join-in – and then you won’t miss the free download that comes with part 5 on successful entrepreneurs.

Now, what’s the third change you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur?

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