
Category - Marketing

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Sell What Your Customers Don’t Realise They Need
7 Steps To Plan Your Focused Marketing Campaign
The Value Of Having A Marketing Plan
What Are Your Actually Selling?
How To Network

Sell What Your Customers Don’t Realise They Need

One of the most important things to realise in marketing is that people buy with their heart, even though they try to rationalise with their head.

Let’s try this exercise with you being the customer. Let’s say that you need a new laptop, so you walk into a store that has a range of laptops laid out in a row on the counters. What is the first thing you look at?

A. You read each label to see which has the latest chip technology

B. You move from one to the other testing out the speed at which they save a document

C. You move down the line looking at which one looks the best

For most of us, it would be C, right? Be honest!

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7 Steps To Plan Your Focused Marketing Campaign

In business, either you engage in marketing or your business dies.

Marketing isn’t just running a few ads or waiting for referrals. Proper, focused marketing grows sales.

Proper focused marketing is about ensuring that the people you want as customers get to hear what you are offering them and why it is perfect for their needs, regularly, consistently and on purpose, driving them from a state of interest to a state of readiness to buy.

What if I were to tell you that you can take 7 easy steps to prepare a targeted marketing campaign that will identify your best customers, craft the right messages they want to hear, within marketing activities designed to drive them down the sales funnel?

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The Value Of Having A Marketing Plan

I have designed an online training course – in the form of a real-time workshop – about how to prepare a Marketing Plan for your business.

I created that course because I’m really passionate about showing small business owners how easy it is to professionally market your business in accordance with an actionable plan that they can write themselves.

In my 35 plus years of experience working with small businesses, I have found that less than 10% have a Marketing Plan. Yet, of those that do, well over 75% have met their marketing objectives and growth targets.

If you don’t have a marketing plan, I know what’s stopping you.

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What Are Your Actually Selling?

Can I just tell you that you are not selling what you think you are selling?

I can hear the umbrage you are taking right now!

“OK Teik, I’ve listened to your fancy ideas so far, and some of them have been really useful, others have been interesting, but now you’ve gone too far! What do you mean I’m not selling what I think I’m selling! I know exactly what I’m selling, I’ve been selling ‘X’ for years!”

Let’s take a breath, I’m not trying to insult your intelligence. Rather I’m challenging your perspective!

Let’s try this – quickly write down what you are selling.

Write it down before you read on and watch the video.

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How To Network

Whatever type of business you are in today, networking is a skill you must develop.

Yup, sorry – for all the shrinking violets out there (and I count myself as one) there is no avoiding the need to meet new contacts. Even if you run an entirely online business and you think that all you have to do is to market through Facebook or some other social media, you will still find that you need to move around people, whether you are marketing at a live event and then meeting people afterwards or if you are meeting people via the screen.

As for any bricks and mortar business, whether you are in retail, hospitality, professional services, construction or anything else – in order to expand the pool of people you can market to, in order to attract that top level of interest that you can introduce into your sales funnel and qualify and attract to your business, you will need to network in some form or other.

However, as a self-declared introvert, I can tell you the good news is that networking is a learned art. You don’t need a large personality – you just need a system.

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