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Creating Strategy – What Are Your KSI’s?

Are you dying to know what are your KSI’s? Well hold on a minute…

Really what I want to discuss is how you choose the right strategies when you are planning. You’ve probably taken some time off and wrote your Vision, Mission and Values Statement, and then detailed what this means in your day to day activity; you’ve probably brainstormed your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats, and worked out your goals for the year. But now, how do you choose between all the ideas to find the most critical strategies?

That’s where your KSI’s come in, or Key Strategic Issues.

The concept of Key Strategic Issues is contained in my book on Business Planning available from Amazon.

“Key Strategic Issues” – let’s break that down.

They are “Key” because the particular issue is key to your plan’s and business’ success.

They are “Strategic” because they are big-picture issues that sit on top of a pyramid – fix this Key Strategic Issue and you fix a whole lot of smaller issues.

This video takes you through how to understand your KSI’s how to score them, and then how to prioritise them.



Once you know your KSI’s – and there shouldn’t be more than 5 or 6 – you can create winning strategies and from those strategies, tactics and action plans.

To help you work out your KSI’s so that you can choose the right strategies in your Business Plan, I’m giving you for free, 18 pages from my book The SMART Business Planning Workbook that will take you through the whole process, just click here.

To get more valuable and free tools, systems and procedures to grow your business, get over to my website teikoh.com and give me your name and email. I will send you every week, systems that you can immediately put into place to grow your business. And don’t worry, I hate spam so you can unsubscribe at any time, and I promise never to give your details to any others.

See you there!

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