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From Vision To Strategy
How To Increase The Value Of Your Business

From Vision To Strategy

Last week I gave you a system to make your vision statement come alive and become a day-to-day measure of what you do, what decisions you make, and where you go from the now to the future.

If you haven’t seen that lesson on how to make your vision real, then go back to teikoh.com and search for the article and video lesson published on 29th January 2019. Go now, then come back here!

In that lesson, I talked about the four perspectives by which you should define your vision, making it real by describing exactly what your business will be like from these four perspectives, and therefore using them as measures on achieving your vision as well as guides on your day to day behaviours and decisions. Now, let’s dive deep into those four perspectives to see how you should use them to define where you want to go and how to get there.

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How To Increase The Value Of Your Business

The value of your business is not just based on the tangible assets – the equipment, the buildings, the accounts receivable – but is also based on intangible assets or “goodwill”.

Goodwill is the “extra” value of your business that is caused by all the intangible things that you do in your business to make it a profitable business that can continue beyond your ownership or stewardship. These include things like your customer relationships, your reputation, the efficiency of the business processes, marketing quality and resources, staff behaviours and culture, and your systems that create a great product and service.

Imagine two similar businesses.

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