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How to Win Customers’ Hearts and Minds!

In marketing language, today’s customers are less “sticky”. In everyday tongues this means that today your customers are more choosy and hesitant!

They have access to a heck of a lot more information about your products and services, and those of your competitors. The modern economic situation means they may be more hesitant when they are buying more discretionary stuff – sure they still buy food, but they may have cut back on eating out.

The best businesses have beat this trend by having outstandingly loyal customers. The best businesses have won over their customers’ hearts and minds and have won the psychological trust war. How do you do this too?

Watch this video for the 5 psychological tactics to win your customers’ hearts and minds.

I’ll summarise them for you here:-

  1. Highlight long term value;
  2. Use groupthink;
  3. Focus on suitability not price;
  4. Create a sense of urgency; and
  5. Build the collective experience.

I’d love to hear how you build customer loyalty – click here to post a comment on the 3 top ways you build customer loyalty.

If you’re reading and watching this in one of my social media channels, guess what? You’re missing out on weekly new updates that can grow your business – why not sign up here to get these updates delivered directly to your inbox (and hey, I hate spam so I promise never to sell or give away your information).

I’ve also been getting comments from my social media channels that tell me there are a lot of followers who aren’t in business yet but are thinking of starting their own business – well I have good news for you. I’ve created a new online training course especially for you called “How To Start Your Own Business”. In 5 lessons, you will be taken through how to get yourself personally ready to start a business, how to prove your business concept, how to design every component of your business into a business model that fulfils your dream, how to create your business plan, and finally what to look out for in tax and business registrations, agreements, and how to choose good advisors.

Click here to purchase the course for only $97 AUD!

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