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The challenge of merging two corporate cultures
Recession Proof Your Business
The Vision Driven Plan

The challenge of merging two corporate cultures

teik oh oldTeik Oh

The most challenging change management initiative is the proper management of a successful merger between two organisations. While the actual steps and processes in themselves are not uniquely different or any more complex than any other business reorganisation, the cultural environment in which a merger takes place creates a very different situation.

Unlike any other change management engagement where disparate groups at least work under one singularly identifiable organisation, a merger brings together two totally unique groups with different core values and working environments that need to go through the same change and emerge united. In a merger, while there are usually areas of “fit”, it is unlikely that the deeper indicators of corporate culture such as corporate history and corporate experience will have any but the most remote of matches. Read More

Recession Proof Your Business

sorry closedIs this possible – to recession-proof your business?  Well no, probably not despite the wealth of articles about how to do so appearing on the internet (about 614,000 hits on Google).

However, what is possible is to secure your business as much as is possible by following a series of simple and common sense business strategies.  These strategies are no different from strategies you should employ under normal circumstances, but which application is much more acute in today’s economic climate, and with a different emphasis required.  Sadly when times are good, businesses allow themselves to get “fat” and some of these every-day disciplines are allowed to slacken.

The strategies can be grouped into defensive and offensive strategies.  As you look at your business performance it is likely that you will find profit performance heading south, and with the economy looking the way it is, it is difficult not to panic and begin to tighten all the hatches.  However you can tighten too much, to the extent that your business finds it difficult to operate normally.  Hence, while it is natural to concentrate on the defensive strategies such as cutting costs, it is important to keep in mind the offensive strategies – those that your business should take to ensure that you are the one in your industry that keeps selling when others are closing down. Read More

The Vision Driven Plan

Stephen Covey, author, personal and leadership development guru is coming to Perth for a seminar at Burswood on the 29th of May next week. For those of you who cannot attend and who have not read his books The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and Principle-Centred Leadership, I suggest you get those books and see how a business can be run effectively on core-principles.

At Teik Oh Dot Com we believe in placing our core-values squarely in the centre of our planning and business decisions. Our Vision Statement drives our everyday behaviours, moulds our culture and provides the parameters for our long-term strategic planning as well as our annual business plans.

Vision_mission_goals_core_values When we facilitate planning projects for our clients we start with the end in mind and ensure that the client has an enunciated vision for the business and that it is quantifiable so that each goal and objective can be squarely measured as well as relate in a straight line from the vision those goals and objectives are designed to achieve.

Our model is that, from the Vision comes clarity of action. Your planning project should:-

  1. Clarify and Quantify your organisation’s Vision;
  2. Identify the key performance indicators (KPI’s) required to reach your Vision from the perspectives of the Customer, Key Business Processes, Financial and Owners’ or Stakeholders’ requirements, Innovation and Growth, and your People;
  3. From your KPI’s, derive appropriate targets for achievement over time, or goals;
  4. For each goal generate specific, measurable, achievable, results-based and timed action plans.


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