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Business Owners’ Self-Care

Read the title and I’ll bet you’re all wondering what’s happened to me? Where are the step by step systems and articles I give you about how to build your business? What’s all this woo-woo “self-care” stuff?

Well if you really have been following me you will know that I constantly talk about the resilience required to own and operate a small business. In my online course “Start Your Own Business” I start with a module called “Your Personal Readiness” about making sure you know about the pressure and stress that comes with the success of entrepreneurship, and that you are set up for it.

Running a business is all about you – your idea, your vision, your drive….and your vulnerabilities.

While you (often?) celebrate wins, you can’t pretend it’s always a walk in the park.

So as a business owner, you need to stay healthy physically and mentally over the long haul to grow your business.

Here, I’m going to give you the 5 keys to ensuring that you “spend” enough on self-care through your business success.

In this video I talk about first ensuring you recognise the signs of burnout. These are the signs that creep up on you, and often, you may not see it but others do. Be open and self-aware, and once you see these signs, tap into the other 4 keys.



So let me write it down:-

  1. Recognise burnout;
  2. Increase learning about your business;
  3. Exercise;
  4. Support emotional wellbeing; and
  5. Tap into your spiritual needs.

(Hey, if you skipped the video and are reading the list thinking the 5 keys are all a bit touchy-touchy, go back and watch the video for the precise, targeted steps to implement what seems like soft advice, but is critical to building resilience.)

Those are your 5 keys to supporting yourself as a stressed business owner.

If you want to know more about how to start your own business, including setting yourself up right, learn more about my online training course by clicking here and get the included free bonus “You, Your Business, Your Purpose, Your Effort” video about what it takes to be a successful business owner.

If you are reading this on one of my social media channels, the links may not work so why don’t you go to my website teikoh.com and find this article where the links will work. While you’re there, social media may or may not show you all my posts of ideas, systems and resources to help you create great strategy and grow your business. So why not sign up to get these valuable BUT FREE immediately implementable tools sent directly to your inbox?

I’ll see you soon!

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