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Pre-Planning Your Business Planning
How To Prepare Your Business Plan And Relieve Stress
Simple SMART Marketing for Small Business – Free Training Part 2
Simple SMART Marketing for Small Business – Free Training Part 1
Small Business Marketing

Pre-Planning Your Business Planning

Believe it or not, one of the most important tasks before you start any Business Planning is to plan for how you will actually conduct your planning.

If you start without doing this, you are likely to go awry during your planning process.

To me, this is similar to how you decide on your holiday before you make plans for your holiday.

You have to make certain foundational decisions like when you want to take the holiday and where you want to go.

Without this information, your planning of the holiday could go sideways – you might book the wrong dates that clash with something else, or book somewhere inappropriate for the season!.

The first step in any Business Planning process is to “Get Ready To Plan.”

So let’s go through the decisions you have to make in order to make your Business Planning process smooth and efficient.

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How To Prepare Your Business Plan And Relieve Stress

The Practice of Planning is one of the Six Business Success Factors that successful businesses do well.

The reason that it is such an important ingredient in business success is two-fold.

First, good planning means that the successful business is prepared for anything. The habit of planning for everything allows the business owner to answer questions in everyday tasks such as:

  • “What do I really want to achieve?”
  • “What steps do I need to take?”
  • “What resources do I need and when?”

Second, the fact that you have laid out a clear path to follow, whether in growing your business or in something small and detailed such as hiring a staff member, means that you remove the every-day stress of not knowing what you are doing from time to time.

Knowing what you should do and when you should do it in your daily actions removes stress because you can plan your day and know at every turn what comes next.

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Simple SMART Marketing for Small Business – Free Training Part 2

This is Part 2 of my free training on how you, as a small business owner, can prepare your own focused, targeted Marketing Plan by following 7 simple steps.

It is based on my S.M.A.R.T. Marketing system which I designed using 30 plus years’ of experience helping small businesses increase sales.

Last week I went through the first three steps which were:

  1. Know your real product;
  2. Know your real customer; and
  3. Meeting your customer’s requirements.

This week I will take you through steps 4 to 7, which are:

4. Your Selling Price as a marketing factor;

5. Choosing the most appropriate marketing activities;

6. Scheduling your campaign plan; and

7. Finalising, then implementing and monitoring and evaluating.

If you missed part 1, you can read and follow the video lesson here.

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Simple SMART Marketing for Small Business – Free Training Part 1

I have created a short, free training on how you, as a small business owner, can prepare your own Marketing Plan to grow your sales.

It follows a simple to follow, step-by-step system of seven steps, which are: –

  1. Know what is your real product;
  2. Know who is your real customer;
  3. Meet your target market’s requirements;
  4. Make your Selling Price a factor in your marketing;
  5. Choose the most appropriate marketing activities;
  6. Schedule your campaign plan; and
  7. Implement then Monitor and Evaluate.

I am releasing this free training in two parts, this week below, being Part 1, along with free worksheets listed below. Read More

Small Business Marketing

I laugh sometimes at the different definitions of “small business”.

The Australian Taxation Office tells you that you can get small business entity concessions when you are a small business – the definition? If your turnover is less than $10 million.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics defines a small business as one that employs 20 people or less.

Many of my clients and members of Teik Oh Dot Com training would love to turn over sales of $10 million and employ 20 staff! To many of us, that describes a medium-sized business because small business is you and me, making sales of several hundred thousand to a couple of million at the upper end and maybe working alone or employing up to 10 staff.

So, when people like us see advice for “small businesses” we tend to switch off.

But that would be a mistake because we all want to grow, don’t we? And one thing I can tell you after 40 years of working with small businesses all over the world in my career, the simple things you need to do is the same in every sized business – except for scale. Read More

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