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5 Personal Changes To Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 1

Have you ever wondered what it takes to become a highly successful entrepreneur?

I’m lucky because over the last 30 plus years, I have worked with people who have failed in business – as well as people who have created the most successful, sustainable and long-lived businesses, so I have been able to observe and learn.

While having a great business idea is essential, while being able to access capital is important, having watched the most successful entrepreneurs in action, I firmly believe that it is their mind-set that creates their success. I have studied my successful clients and I believe there are 5 fundamental personal changes that are required.

What are these 5 personal changes you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur?

This is the first part of a 5 part series in which I will lay out these 5 personal changes that you have to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

So, if you don’t want to miss out on any of these 5 changes, sign up to get them sent to you over the next 4 weeks – sign up here https://teikoh.mykajabi.com/p/join-in – you really don’t want to miss out because in week 5 I’m going to give you a free download eBook on successful entrepreneurship.

But right now, let’s get into it.

The first personal change to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur is to move from being an expert to leveraging your expertise.

This video explains this first change.



Remember, subject matter experts don’t become successful entrepreneurs – they become respected experts. Entrepreneurs leverage their knowledge so that others work for them to grow their businesses. They teach, they coach; the delegate and then support.

Next week, I’m going to show you the second personal change you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur, distilled from personally watching successful entrepreneurs build businesses over the last 30 years.

Don’t miss it – sign up to get the post sent directly to you by going to my website at https://teikoh.com or click on this link – https://teikoh.mykajabi.com/p/join-in

See you then!

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