
Archive - 01/06/2015

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Starting in Business

Starting in Business

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Are you thinking of starting your own business?
A 2014 survey showed that it is the dream of almost 60% of people in employment. I don’t know how many people not in employment wish to start a business, but either people in jobs really hate their jobs or it is built in to our genes that we want to be masters of our own destiny.
So if you want to start a business, what do you need to know?
In my opinion, having helped many successful start-ups over the last 30 years (and nursed a few failures!) I believe what you need to know is the answer to two basic questions.
Firstly, how will my business grow and prosper over many years? And secondly, what are the basic supports I need when I start?
Let’s deal with the first question first – how will your business grow and prosper over many years?
To answer this question you need information about the following:-
  • What kind of person am I?
  • What exactly is my business?
  • What skills do I need?
  • What money will I need?
  • What is my plan to grow and prosper?

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