How To Write A Business Plan In 5 Easy Steps
Let’s get this out up front – if you are a small business owner, especially one who has just started or owns a relatively new small business, and you don’t have a business plan, you must love living in chaos!
Running your small business without a business plan is like deciding to go on a holiday and just jumping on the first ‘plane you see at the airport without the right clothes or the right currency and just hoping that you have a good time.
If you want to create the business of your dreams, if you want to avoid the day to day chaos, if you want to stop the frustration of working hard with no real achievement, then you need a business plan, and when you see how easy it is for you to write one yourself, you will be able to move your business step-by-step along one cohesive direction toward your ultimate goal.
In this video, I will explain why writing your own business plan is easy.
You do not need an expensive consultant.
All you need is your own extensive knowledge of your business, and a formula to apply your thinking.
In the video I walk you through the 5 steps it will take you to write your business plan – each of those steps is an activity well within your skill and experience. The video tells you what to do in each.
Then, after you’ve watched the video you can download my free eBook called “How To Plan The Best Future For Your Business”.
In summary, remember the 5 easy steps: –
- Get ready;
- Know where you want to go;
- Analyse where you are now;
- Create strategies to bridge the gap; and
- Create accountability and follow through.
The ‘following through” part is sometimes the hardest.
I believe you need three simple things to make sure that you follow through and implement your business plan.
First, you need to be very clear about where you want to go – your vision of your successful business and what it means to your life.
This clear vision is what motivates you, and sets that single clear and cohesive direction front and centre every day so that whenever you are faced with a difficult choice, you can ask “which solution will get me closer to my vision faster?”
Second, you need to set up some accountability systems.
These can be as simple as pre-scheduled and diarised dates and appointments to measure how you are doing in accordance with your plan, to evaluate if you need to “tweak” any of your goals and actions, and to remind yourself of the next steps. Make these commitments public, so that you can’t “cheat” and realise that other people are looking at you to succeed.
Third, you need to establish some meaningful outcomes for achieving – and not achieving – your planned targets.
Set up some rewards for significant milestones, monetary or otherwise, perhaps something as simple as a weekend away.
On the other hand, find some “pain” when you miss some milestones – find some motivating penalty that will help you to keep working and do it better.
Follow up right now!
Get my free eBook called How To Plan The Best Future For Your Business and read about why you really need a business plan, why it may not have worked in the past and why this new formula will, what we can learn from small businesses that fail, the different types of business plans and which is right for you, what the format of a business plan should be, how to write your own business plan using these 5 steps, and some common questions about business planning.
Click on this link to get your free eBook.
As well, don’t miss out on getting my free, valuable business tools and resources that will help you to grow your business. All you have to do is go to my website at and sign up for my weekly emails and video training and I’ll deliver them directly to you.
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