This is Part 2 of my free training on how you, as a small business owner, can prepare your own focused, targeted Marketing Plan by following 7 simple steps.
It is based on my S.M.A.R.T. Marketing system which I designed using 30 plus years’ of experience helping small businesses increase sales.
Last week I went through the first three steps which were:
Know your real product;
Know your real customer; and
Meeting your customer’s requirements.
This week I will take you through steps 4 to 7, which are:
4. Your Selling Price as a marketing factor;
5. Choosing the most appropriate marketing activities;
6. Scheduling your campaign plan; and
7. Finalising, then implementing and monitoring and evaluating.
If you missed part 1, you can read and follow the video lesson here.
Wow! I’m really excited and I wanted to share my excitement with you – I’m launching my online video training and virtual workshop program on marketing, called SMART Marketing!
I created the easy Marketing Plan system by putting together hundreds of books about marketing along with my 35 years’ experience helping entrepreneurs and small businesses finding out what works and what doesn’t. You don’t need to test these theories for yourself – I’ve done it for you!
It’s a well-proven system. I’ve used it myself to build up (and sell!) three successful businesses, and I’ve helped hundreds of clients implement the system over the years, and watched them grow!
The SMART Marketing system is based on taking 7 easy to follow steps in order to target your ideal customer and create a highly focused marketing campaign. Watch the video to learn more.
Now that you’ve seen what the 7 steps are why not dive in deep?
Did you catch last week’s video training on Part 1 of how to use the SMART Marketing planning system? If not, get on to it here and catch up!
If you did, welcome back.
This week’s video training continues with steps 4 to 7 of the SMART Marketing system.
This week, we go through how to use your selling price as a factor in your marketing, how to identify the most appropriate marketing activities (not just advertising!) and prepare a targeted campaign, how to prepare action plans to carry out your strategies, and finally how to put it all together and make sure you follow through.
This is a 15 minute training video so I won’t take up too much of your time here – just watch it!
There you have it – if you want to know more, my book “SMART Marketing – 7 Easy Steps to More Sales” is available from Amazon if you click here. The book takes you through the 7 easy steps in a narrative form, and is packed full of detail how a real-life application takes place. It is accompanied by The SMART Marketing Workbook, available from Amazon also here, which gives you all the forms, questionnaires and templates you need to put the SMART Marketing system into place. The Workbook is laid out in 7 “workshops” for you and your team to participate just as if I were in the room guiding you all the way.
Now next week, I’m going to talk about what happens in a one-to-one engagement with someone. Despite the best marketing strategies, at some stage you have to go face to face and talk about your product, so I talk about a sure-fire way to do it and capture their attention.
If you don’t want to miss it, subscribe here to have next week’s blog post delivered directly into your inbox.
Or go to the website to subscribe and get thousands of dollars of valuable ideas, tips and downloads, for free.
Here’s Part 1 of my 2 part video training series on SMART Marketing – 7 Easy Steps to More Sales, my Marketing Planning system so easy that any business can follow the steps and create their own marketing campaign.
SMART Marketing is based on targeting your marketing efforts – a sniper’s rifle rather than a shotgun – aimed at a very focused target market.
You need to attract them with the benefits that your product or service will bring them very quickly, and send messages that scream of the needs they have that will be met.
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