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Start Of The New Financial Year – Time To Write Your Business Plan!
Why Most Small Businesses Fail Within 5 Years
Make Your Vision Real
New Year, New Business Plan
A Business Plan From A Few Simple Questions

Start Of The New Financial Year – Time To Write Your Business Plan!

In the blink of an eye, we are more than halfway through the calendar year and already two weeks after the start of the new financial year!

If you’re not careful, another year will slip by you where you haven’t really done much to make your business the success you want it to be. Now I’m not saying you’re not working hard, in fact, I’m saying exactly that: “you’re working too hard in your business, but not hard enough on your business!”

Don’t you think it’s time that you really did something other than work hard for no real progress toward your ultimate goal of a successful business that fulfils your passion and your dreams, gives you a great income and a balanced lifestyle?

The start of a new financial year is just the time to do something different. Read More

Why Most Small Businesses Fail Within 5 Years

Business Plans Help You Succeed

Through all my years in business advising small business owners, I constantly watch for trends and statistics affecting small businesses. One of the most consistent statistics I always see whenever I check for the latest trend is the statistics that 8 out of 10 startup small businesses fail within the first 5 years.

That’s such a consistent statistics through the years that there must be something behind it. Surely 80% of small business owners can’t possibly be poor business people?

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Make Your Vision Real

If you have been following my articles, you will certainly have heard me talk about the value of business planning for your business.

Yet you may have been put off preparing your own business plan because you think it’s too hard. Perhaps you think you can’t spare the time, or you think you may have to hire a consultant?

Or is it because you can’t see how a dry document can be brought to life for you to implement it?

What if I told you how easy it is to write your business plan and the key to making it a live document? Read More

New Year, New Business Plan

Happy New Year!

It’s a great time of the year to have some quiet time, recharge your batteries, have a rest and get yourself ready to take off in the new year.

At the same time, this piece of quiet and peace is also a great time to make some New Year Resolutions about your business and make some plans – a great time to write your business [plan for the year ahead!

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A Business Plan From A Few Simple Questions

Let’s start with the premise that you need a business plan (believe me you do!).

But who’s got time, right? If you’re a solopreneur you’re probably juggling your (so-called) worklife balance. If you have a team, how do you get everyone to take some time out to sit down together for a few days?

Unfortunately you do need a business plan. Not having one is like being the Captain on a jetliner with no flight plan. Sure you can take off and fly in a straight line, but where are you going? How fast should you fly, and does the amount of fuel you have allow that speed? Is there any weather ahead, and should you fly through it or above it? What happens if storms delay your progress, do you fly an alternative route or land somewhere else?

Your business plan needs to define the vision you are working towards, set the milestones or goals along the way, and work out how to get there with the resources you need. But it needn’t be complicated if you can’t set the time aside – it just needs a clear enough path. One that you can detail later when you have the time. Read More

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