
Category - Systems and Procedures

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Why Customer Service Systems Are Better Than Maple Syrup On Warm Pancakes
6 Key Must-Haves In Your Business
Do Your Team Members Have Their Individual Objectives?
From Vision To Strategy
Business Systems For Success

Why Customer Service Systems Are Better Than Maple Syrup On Warm Pancakes

We had a cold, wet and stormy winter this year and I spent the whole winter wanting to go somewhere dry and warm!

But if that was not to be, then I hankered for some comfort food – and what’s more comforting than a plate stacked with warm, soft pancakes drizzled, nay, swimming, in maple syrup?

Have I got your attention now? Feel the warmth and the love? Well, that’s how a really good customer service system makes me feel because a good one can wrap itself around your customers and make them feel like they are eating a big plate of lovely warm pancakes and spoonfuls of maple syrup!

It’s all about having a system. In fact, I have a free eBook on How To Create Your Self-Running Business by creating a systems-based business that you can get here.

Let’s see how a customer service system can be better than maple syrup on warm pancakes.

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6 Key Must-Haves In Your Business

When you are starting a business, or even as you grow it from the start and enter into a steady period of consolidation and wish to review your performance, it is useful to take a step back from the nuts and bolts of starting or running your business and consider what makes up a business.

Sure, you must have (hopefully) a great product or service and you must have customers.

But what makes up a successful business? What are the key ingredients you must have?

I created Teik Oh Dot Com in order to help small business owners implement these key ingredients that together make up a successful business, to be the small business owner’s one place to go to in order to find the practical processes to improve their business and become successful. You can subscribe to get these free tools and resources delivered directly to you by clicking on this link and signing up.

Importantly, I believe that when you start your business, you need to focus on six key must-haves in your business to set you up for success.

So let’s dive into the 6 key must-haves in your business.

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Do Your Team Members Have Their Individual Objectives?

Do your employees have written Job Descriptions?

No? Okay, let’s slide past that one quickly!

I can’t tell you how important it is for effective teamwork that everyone has a Job Description that helps them do their job, and fit into the team working together to meet the business objectives.

After this week’s video I hope you will now prepare individual Job Descriptions, but even if you do have written Job Descriptions for all your team members right now, does it include a clear objective for their role that fits into the overall objectives of the business?

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From Vision To Strategy

Last week I gave you a system to make your vision statement come alive and become a day-to-day measure of what you do, what decisions you make, and where you go from the now to the future.

If you haven’t seen that lesson on how to make your vision real, then go back to teikoh.com and search for the article and video lesson published on 29th January 2019. Go now, then come back here!

In that lesson, I talked about the four perspectives by which you should define your vision, making it real by describing exactly what your business will be like from these four perspectives, and therefore using them as measures on achieving your vision as well as guides on your day to day behaviours and decisions. Now, let’s dive deep into those four perspectives to see how you should use them to define where you want to go and how to get there.

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Business Systems For Success

Every business, no matter how small, can only improve with the addition of clear, documented systems.

You may already have some systems in your business – perhaps how to file documents, or what paperwork to fill in, or how to use the computer system. Yet most small businesses grow their systems informally as they themselves grow and unfortunately many such systems are verbally passed on, remain in the mind of the founder, or variations are made by people as time passes.

What this or even worse, no systems end up as is a mess.

Whether you have or don’t have systems does this sound familiar?

  • Someone leaves and you have to spend a lot of time training a replacement
  • Employees do their jobs, but there’s always a holdup somewhere that has to wait for you to tell them what to do
  • Outcomes of work processes are unpredictable or inconsistent, depending on who is working on it
  • You can’t really leave your business for a vacation without being tied to email

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