
Category - Small Business

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The 4 Stages of a Growth-Minded Small Business
Three Marketing Plan Success Stories To Inspire You
6 Key Must-Haves In Your Business
The Prospecting Sales Funnel
Interviewing New Hires

The 4 Stages of a Growth-Minded Small Business

Here at Teik Oh Dot Com, I aim to be a one-stop-shop for growth-minded small business owners, where they can go to get inspiring and practical ideas to improve their business and become successful.

While I offer different tools and give advice for small business owners at different levels of development, I thought it might be useful to describe the way a small business can develop, and what their owners need to think about at each stage.

Knowing which level of development you are in is important because you can then focus on the different aspects of your business that need special attention at each different stage. A growing small business will usually go through 4 stages of development.

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Three Marketing Plan Success Stories To Inspire You

As you know, Teik Oh Dot Com offers an online workshop program called SMART Marketing to help busy small business owners write their focused marketing plan . It is based on my book of the same name available from Amazon.

You will also have read and seen my blog posts and YouTube videos on the 7 easy steps to follow to write your focused and actionable marketing plan to grow your sales, and you may even have subscribed to my freebies on winning more customers using the SMART Marketing Plan techniques (if you haven’t you can get them here for free). Teik Oh Dot Com is all about giving small business owners practical and useful tools to improve their businesses and build success.

One of my subscribers who read these posts suggested that I write about some examples of how people used the SMART Marketing Plan formula to increase their sales.

What a great idea! I’m calling you out, Richard!

So here are some marketing plan success stories to inspire you.

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6 Key Must-Haves In Your Business

When you are starting a business, or even as you grow it from the start and enter into a steady period of consolidation and wish to review your performance, it is useful to take a step back from the nuts and bolts of starting or running your business and consider what makes up a business.

Sure, you must have (hopefully) a great product or service and you must have customers.

But what makes up a successful business? What are the key ingredients you must have?

I created Teik Oh Dot Com in order to help small business owners implement these key ingredients that together make up a successful business, to be the small business owner’s one place to go to in order to find the practical processes to improve their business and become successful. You can subscribe to get these free tools and resources delivered directly to you by clicking on this link and signing up.

Importantly, I believe that when you start your business, you need to focus on six key must-haves in your business to set you up for success.

So let’s dive into the 6 key must-haves in your business.

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The Prospecting Sales Funnel

Business is all about systems.

Even in the unpredictable world of attracting customers and making sure that they hear your message and grow more toward becoming customers, there are proven step by step systems that you can use to increase your chances of winning the prospect.

All marketing and sales techniques are based on the prospecting sales funnel. This technique describes how you move potential customers from being prospects to becoming customers. The journey is like moving them down a funnel until they ultimately buy from you.

What is it based on?

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Interviewing New Hires

Choosing a new member of the team relies on asking the right questions when you first interview them for the role.

Applicants are likely to have provided you with a good resume. If not you should rightly discard them from the shortlist. The good ones will have laid out their past experience, their skills and qualifications and perhaps even some discussion about why they are the person to fit the description in your advertisement. If you have a number of good applicants, the descriptions on paper will make it hard to decide who is best for the job.

How do you make sure that you are making the right choice?

This week, I want to give you a system for your interviews that you can use every time you interview someone for a position in your business.

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