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6 Key Must-Haves In Your Business
Do Your Team Members Have Their Individual Objectives?
From Purpose To Systems

6 Key Must-Haves In Your Business

When you are starting a business, or even as you grow it from the start and enter into a steady period of consolidation and wish to review your performance, it is useful to take a step back from the nuts and bolts of starting or running your business and consider what makes up a business.

Sure, you must have (hopefully) a great product or service and you must have customers.

But what makes up a successful business? What are the key ingredients you must have?

I created Teik Oh Dot Com in order to help small business owners implement these key ingredients that together make up a successful business, to be the small business owner’s one place to go to in order to find the practical processes to improve their business and become successful. You can subscribe to get these free tools and resources delivered directly to you by clicking on this link and signing up.

Importantly, I believe that when you start your business, you need to focus on six key must-haves in your business to set you up for success.

So let’s dive into the 6 key must-haves in your business.

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Do Your Team Members Have Their Individual Objectives?

Do your employees have written Job Descriptions?

No? Okay, let’s slide past that one quickly!

I can’t tell you how important it is for effective teamwork that everyone has a Job Description that helps them do their job, and fit into the team working together to meet the business objectives.

After this week’s video I hope you will now prepare individual Job Descriptions, but even if you do have written Job Descriptions for all your team members right now, does it include a clear objective for their role that fits into the overall objectives of the business?

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From Purpose To Systems

Do you find that in your business, even if you employ people, you are doing many of the important things yourself? Do you find it hard to find time for yourself because you’re always needed in the business because nobody else can do what you do? Do you find that you can’t scale (grow) your business because there’s only one reliable you?

When I started my business I knew that the only way it would survive was if I built it to grow. That meant it had to be scalable, allowing me to employ others or use contractors, but I had to be able to rely on them. So I started my business with built-in systems and they have been powerful in allowing me to provide my clients with predictable, quality services every single time.

On the other hand, I have also consulted to other businesses which had systems. Only they were not capable of consistently applying them and their systems became forgotten or filed into a manual somewhere – a “Standard Operating Procedure” file that was never standard and had trouble operating.


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