
Category - Organisational Development

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Create Workplace Wellbeing Programs
3 Secrets of Entrepreneurship
5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 4
Why, When, and How Should a Business Change
Keep Getting Value From Teik Oh Dot Com

Create Workplace Wellbeing Programs

There are some well-established studies that show that “wellbeing” in the workplace makes a lasting difference to the bottom line.

Apart from these studies, by university psych departments as well as business schools, it’s logical if you think about it. Employees who are uncomfortable at work, who carry problems into work and don’t find a release at work, logically are not as productive as happy, engaged employees.

Employees who are engaged at work – who identify with their teams and the company, who feel pride in theirs and the group’s achievements, work more productively. Unlike their disengaged, unhappy counterparts, they jump at the chance to contribute to something they believe in.

All workplaces try to create “wellbeing” in one form or other. Think of the Friday drinks. But workplace wellbeing, leading to solid employee engagement is more than just the regular social event.

How do you create a working wellbeing program?

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3 Secrets of Entrepreneurship

This blog post is entitled, “3 Secrets of Entrepreneurship”.

Really? Only three?

Well, yes! These are the top three things you must get right if you want to be a successful entrepreneur. They are the three key strategic issues because everything else comes and cascades from these three secrets. All the work you have to do is to ensure you get these three secrets right. I don’t care what kind of a business you own and operate, whether it sells products or services, whether it’s lifestyle or technical, whether it caters to men or women, whether it’s online or bricks and mortar, whether you’re a solopreneur or you do or intend to hire a huge team.

You have to get these three things right.

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5 Personal Changes to Become a Highly Successful Entrepreneur – Part 4

This is part 4 of a 5 part series on the personal changes you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

These are the “habits” that I have distilled from highly successful entrepreneurs that I have had the privilege of working with, from all over the world, over the last 30 years of my career as a business consultant. Success doesn’t just happen – successful people do things in a certain way and I have found that if you can systematise what they do, you can reconstruct what they do.

If you missed parts 1, 2 and 3, go to my website at https://teikoh.com to catch up and discover the first three personal changes you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur. This is about mind-set, and you need to change your mind-set in these particular ways to ensure success.

So let’s get to the fourth personal change you need to make to become a highly successful entrepreneur.

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Why, When, and How Should a Business Change

Moore’s Law states that in the field of computing, computer processing speed doubles every eighteen months!

Just as much as computers impact modern business, the fields of business knowledge and business science are also increasing exponentially, and while I’m not aware if any similar Law has been stated for the growth of innovation in business, anyone can tell that business today has changed exponentially from business just 5 years ago.

Yet, you say, my business is actually thriving, why should I change?

Well, if your business is thriving today, good for you, because we are in difficult economic times. But how confident are you that your business will continue to thrive, and for how long?

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Keep Getting Value From Teik Oh Dot Com

This week is not a how-to article or video.

I just wanted to take some time out and announce new ways for you to keep getting value from my website, teikoh.com



You can register your name and email by clicking here. I promise that I will not give your details to anyone else, I hate spam as much as you do. However in return you will get from me weekly free tips, tools and resources on how to grow your business, sent directly to your inbox to read or watch at your own time.

You can also go to my courses page by clicking here and check out what courses are available to help you grow your business. Most of my online courses are “in real time” workshops so that we work together to start your business, or prepare your marketing plan, or prepare your business plan, or get yourself productive.

You can also go to teikoh.com and check out all the free downloads that will help you grow your business.

If you haven’t started a business yet and you want to, but it’s all getting confusing and overwhelming, why don’t you get my business startup checklist here.

I hope you’ll keep coming back for more!

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