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Business Systems For Success
5 Ways To Use Your “Why” To Empower Your People
5 Ways To Empower Your Team
How To Use Technology In Your Small Business
How To Write Effective Emails

Business Systems For Success

Every business, no matter how small, can only improve with the addition of clear, documented systems.

You may already have some systems in your business – perhaps how to file documents, or what paperwork to fill in, or how to use the computer system. Yet most small businesses grow their systems informally as they themselves grow and unfortunately many such systems are verbally passed on, remain in the mind of the founder, or variations are made by people as time passes.

What this or even worse, no systems end up as is a mess.

Whether you have or don’t have systems does this sound familiar?

  • Someone leaves and you have to spend a lot of time training a replacement
  • Employees do their jobs, but there’s always a holdup somewhere that has to wait for you to tell them what to do
  • Outcomes of work processes are unpredictable or inconsistent, depending on who is working on it
  • You can’t really leave your business for a vacation without being tied to email

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5 Ways To Use Your “Why” To Empower Your People

No matter what kind of business you are in, you are already in the People Business.

In today’s world, businesses can no longer afford to see staff as “assets” or “resources.” Even the language of business is shifting so that employees and teams are seen first as individuals and people, rather than simply resources to be mobilised. Research has shown time and time again that happier employees translate their experience to gain happier customers, and happier customers mean more sales.

Research has also shown that one of the major reasons that employees perform better, is if they are united by a common purpose. That, not only do they know what they are selling – everyone knows that – they really know why they are selling what they are selling. This is the purpose of your business – the “why” of your very existence.

So, assuming you have worked on your business vision and purpose – your “why” – and been able to translate this for your people, how do you make your small business a truly purpose-led people-business?

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5 Ways To Empower Your Team

As we build our businesses, we will need to build teams.

Teamwork makes processes more efficient and the supportive behaviours in teams can also provide the platform on which businesses expand.

But teams aren’t just about friends. In fact, some strong teams are made up of people who don’t necessarily engage socially. Teams don’t just work well together, good teams work well because they know when to do things, and what are the right things to do in the circumstances.

So, how do you create this team system in your small business? Read More

How To Use Technology In Your Small Business

If you think we have seen enough business disruption from technology already, wait for it.

There’s more to come.

What has been called “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” is still being played out, and there is little doubt that it is going to lead to a step-change in business, productivity, and customer experience. What is yet to come will not be a smooth upward slope but a significant step up in the use of technology ion business. Some of the technologies that are being introduced or developed are more integrated smartphone apps, Artifical Intelligence, augmented reality, sensor technologies, 3D printing, blockchain cryptocurrencies, GPS and robotics. These and their combinations as they develop will cause us to need to adapt our business processes or suffer the consequences of tougher competition.

Have you ordered a pizza delivery lately? Read More

How To Write Effective Emails

My business relies heavily on communication, especially, over distance to clients spread across the country relying on email.

I know more than anyone else what an effective tool email could be – as well as the dangers of poorly written, overused, email communications.

So, how do you write effective emails? How do you make sure your message is properly conveyed and is concise and understandable? Read More

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