
Category - Goal-setting

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From Resolutions To Goals
Business Performance Measures
What Is A Business Plan And Why You Need One
How to define your “why”?
Make Your Vision Come Alive

From Resolutions To Goals

Have you made some New Year resolutions this year? It’s only been a few weeks so I hope you’ve been thinking about how to make them come true.

Will you go for it this year? Or will the enthusiasm die out by March?

While a few harmless New Year resolutions not being achieved may be a bit of harmless fun, any decisions about what you want to implement in your business could be quite critical to the growth of your business this year. I almost always resolve to do more exercise and when I tail off the daily run come March or April, sure, I’m not as healthy as I could be but that’s about it. Whereas if you fail to implement something in your business effectively, it could mean staying stagnant or growing your business into your vision.

So how do you go from deciding to do something about your business, to actually getting it done? Read More

Business Performance Measures

Businesses need measurements. People need measurements.

Without appropriate measurements, how do you know if your business, or your employees, are effective, successful and doing what is supposed to be done?

Determining what to measure can take a lot of consideration, and yet it will probably be only a fraction of the time required to implement the measurement system. However, this investment in time, energy and money will reward you when you can actually see if improvements in sales are caused by new strategies or changes to operations; when you receive early warning about problems from warnings in measurement reports; from understanding what drives the business and what levers to pull to get desired results.

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What Is A Business Plan And Why You Need One

Are you in business? Are you starting a business? Are you expanding your business? Are you adding new products?

You need a business plan.

A business plan is not some dreamy, creative exercise about what you might want in a dream. An effective business plan is based on facts – facts as they exist right now, facts about what can happen, and facts based on different sets of assumptions about the future. A business p[lan starts with the future, defining exactly where you want to be – a vision, but one that is tested and quantified and not left in some dreamy state. Read More

How to define your “why”?

Since Simon Sinek’s Ted Talk “How great leaders inspire action” and his book “Start With Why” everyone has been inspired by the need to understand and define the higher purpose of your business – not what you do but why you do it.

The premise is that people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

I have spoken often enough about the power of a clear vision – a strong vision statement sets the target for your business to work towards. I have also spoken, in marketing terms, about how you should not swell the features of your product but the needs that it meets.

The higher purpose – your “why” – is an extension of these two principles: “People don’t buy what you do,” how boring, “people buy why you do it,” that’s inspirational.

But if you’re confused about your higher purpose, how do you find and define it?

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Make Your Vision Come Alive

I’ll bet that when you started your business you didn’t just decide to start it because you “wanted to make money”. Even if you didn’t formally work on it or you may not even have been conscious of it, I’ll bet that when you started your business you had an idea of what you wanted to achieve at the end of the day.

You might have called it your dream or your goal, or perhaps your vision, but I’m sure that deep down inside you had a very clear picture of what you and your business would be like at the end of the day. You “saw” yourself serving your customers, helping them and giving them solutions, you “felt” the pride and the achievement you would put into the business, and I think you would have smiled when you thought of how you would feel and the lifestyle it would give you.

Am I right?

That feeling and that idea are what I call your business vision. How can you harness those deep down desires into making your business successful?

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