
Category - Customer service

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6 Key Must-Haves In Your Business
From Vision To Strategy
5 Ways To Use Your “Why” To Empower Your People
10 More Ways To Thank Your Customer
10 Ways to Thank Your Customer

6 Key Must-Haves In Your Business

When you are starting a business, or even as you grow it from the start and enter into a steady period of consolidation and wish to review your performance, it is useful to take a step back from the nuts and bolts of starting or running your business and consider what makes up a business.

Sure, you must have (hopefully) a great product or service and you must have customers.

But what makes up a successful business? What are the key ingredients you must have?

I created Teik Oh Dot Com in order to help small business owners implement these key ingredients that together make up a successful business, to be the small business owner’s one place to go to in order to find the practical processes to improve their business and become successful. You can subscribe to get these free tools and resources delivered directly to you by clicking on this link and signing up.

Importantly, I believe that when you start your business, you need to focus on six key must-haves in your business to set you up for success.

So let’s dive into the 6 key must-haves in your business.

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From Vision To Strategy

Last week I gave you a system to make your vision statement come alive and become a day-to-day measure of what you do, what decisions you make, and where you go from the now to the future.

If you haven’t seen that lesson on how to make your vision real, then go back to teikoh.com and search for the article and video lesson published on 29th January 2019. Go now, then come back here!

In that lesson, I talked about the four perspectives by which you should define your vision, making it real by describing exactly what your business will be like from these four perspectives, and therefore using them as measures on achieving your vision as well as guides on your day to day behaviours and decisions. Now, let’s dive deep into those four perspectives to see how you should use them to define where you want to go and how to get there.

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5 Ways To Use Your “Why” To Empower Your People

No matter what kind of business you are in, you are already in the People Business.

In today’s world, businesses can no longer afford to see staff as “assets” or “resources.” Even the language of business is shifting so that employees and teams are seen first as individuals and people, rather than simply resources to be mobilised. Research has shown time and time again that happier employees translate their experience to gain happier customers, and happier customers mean more sales.

Research has also shown that one of the major reasons that employees perform better, is if they are united by a common purpose. That, not only do they know what they are selling – everyone knows that – they really know why they are selling what they are selling. This is the purpose of your business – the “why” of your very existence.

So, assuming you have worked on your business vision and purpose – your “why” – and been able to translate this for your people, how do you make your small business a truly purpose-led people-business?

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10 More Ways To Thank Your Customer

Last month I spoke about 10 Ways to Thank Your Customer.

If you haven’t seen the video, go to teikoh.com and find it there.

Just to remind you – here’s the immutable truth about marketing: “People buy from people they know, like and trust.”

This is why all marketing is about getting people to know about you, getting people to like what you are and stand for, and getting people to trust you and what you deliver. Read More

10 Ways to Thank Your Customer

People buy from us because they know us, they like us, and they trust us.

Think of it from your customers’ point of view – would you buy from a business that you have been to before and got reliable service? Or would you buy from a business you don’t know? Would you buy from a business you know but don’t like, or would you buy from a business that you do like? And finally, even if you know them, and kind of like them, would you buy from a business that you did not trust would provide you with the best that they could?

This is the immutable truth of marketing – people buy from people they know, like and trust.

So, in marketing, we do everything we can to show people that they can trust us – our advertising is open and transparent, we shape our corporate culture so that our word is our bond, we explain terms and conditions, we deliver what we promise. We also do as much as we can to get people to know us – we provide clear websites and send out brochures, we advertise in the circles our markets meet, we have recognisable logos.

But how do we get people to like us? Read More

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