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Treat Your People Like A Big Business
Managing A Mature Business – How To Keep Innovating
5 Ways To Empower Your Team
How To Automate Your Business And Take A Holiday
7 Steps To Create Better Teamwork

Treat Your People Like A Big Business

You may own and operate a small business. But if you employ people, there’s no reason why they should be treated like small people, ignored, just told what to do, undeveloped.

All businesses should treat their team with respect and just that – as “team” members, where everyone is aware of the rules of the game and where the goals are, and one where everyone pulls together and help weaker team members, using each person’s individual strengths for the good of the whole.

Larger businesses with, maybe, more resources spend time in the “People and Culture” Divisions, developing people, and making sure that everyone is on the same page about the company’s Mission, Vision, and Values.

But here’s the thing – even as a small business, you can do the same.

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Managing A Mature Business – How To Keep Innovating

This is the second in our series of articles on managing a mature business.

If you missed the first article, about managing the cash flow of a mature business, you can click on this link.

We have also completed our series of articles on Starting A Small Business and on Growing Your Business, and the links provided will take you to the first articles of those series if you missed them.

In this week’s article, we are (hopefully) going to recognise that your business has reached the mature stage in its life cycle, and look to renew the cycle before it drips into the next stage, which is the stage of decline!

But first, let’s refresh our memories to talk about the four stages of the business life cycle: –

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5 Ways To Empower Your Team

As we build our businesses, we will need to build teams.

Teamwork makes processes more efficient and the supportive behaviours in teams can also provide the platform on which businesses expand.

But teams aren’t just about friends. In fact, some strong teams are made up of people who don’t necessarily engage socially. Teams don’t just work well together, good teams work well because they know when to do things, and what are the right things to do in the circumstances.

So, how do you create this team system in your small business? Read More

How To Automate Your Business And Take A Holiday

Here is a good measure of how your business is doing – as a business – and as your life’s achievement: can you take four weeks off and have a real holiday where you are not checking in?

Ultimately, that is the business we all started – the business that is successful and profitable and provides you with a lifestyle. But most of us work in businesses that are quite the opposite! Most small business owners are tied to their businesses and even if successful and profitable, certainly does not provide that lifestyle we all dreamt about. Most small business owners will be worried about taking too long a holiday from their businesses in case something goes wrong.

This fear can take the form of an angry customer that nobody else knows how to handle or what to say to him. It can take the form of an error in the day to day processes that only you know how to fix, or a new employee requiring training that only you can give her, or a decision about some outcome that nobody else can make.

The question is really about how you take the business that depends entirely on your knowledge and your ability to make decisions, to a business that runs like an automatic ticking clock? Read More

7 Steps To Create Better Teamwork

Teamwork doesn’t just happen. Teams are not just made up of friends.

Some of the most effective teams I have met are made up of people who don’t even see each other outside of work, who don’t even share the same interests. Yet, at work, in a team situation, they work well together, each completing a part of the whole without being asked, each contributing what they can and need to in order for the outcome to be completed efficiently and completely.

So how do you create a great team and good teamwork?

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