
Archive - 2020

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Your Mother May Have Lied To You About Starting Your Own Business!
How Business Startups Are Not As Scary As You Think
5 Things About Startups Your Friends Won’t Tell You
How To Grow A Successful Small Business
Risk Management Planning for the Coronavirus

Your Mother May Have Lied To You About Starting Your Own Business!

STOP PRESS: If you have been stood down or lost your job because of CIVID-19 and you are thinking of starting your own business, read to the bottom of this article where I am giving you an offer to help you plan your new business idea. Offer valid until 30 April 2020.

My Mum told me that if I studied hard, I could get whatever I wanted.

Did your mother tell you the same thing?

My Mum told me that I had to study hard to be an expert at something. So I studied to be an expert accountant.

Then when I decided to start my own business, she was very supportive and said that with all my skill, all I had to do was sell.

But you know what, none of that made me the successful small business owner that I am!

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How Business Startups Are Not As Scary As You Think

Starting a business can be scary.

But it’s not as scary as you think, especially if you prepare yourself at the start.

Sure, there are lots of things you have to do and understand or learn. But you can learn this!

In fact, I’ve written a report and checklist on all the steps you need to take when you start a new business which you can get here.

But that’s not what I wanted to talk about this week.

I wanted to talk about how you have to get you ready!

What do I mean by that?

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5 Things About Startups Your Friends Won’t Tell You

Are you thinking of starting a new small business?

Exciting times!

But there’s plenty to do – you may even be starting to get overwhelmed about all the things you have to do, or even more overwhelming, unsure about what you have to do!

So, like many others, you probably turn to friends or family, those who have their own business and whom you trust.

Only, be warned, your friends and family may love you so much that they won’t tell you everything!

Because that’s what we do isn’t it? We want to protect the people we love so we sugar coat things, and make things seem simple so that they don’t get hurt.

Or, they are afraid for you and tell you all the risks and start to put you off?

And yet, now is the time you need their honest truth!

Well, here it is – my honesty in all its glory!

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How To Grow A Successful Small Business

Many people start their own business in order to be independent and to do their work their way, others are passionate creators who love what they do and want to do it for others, and yet others are legacy builders who want to bring something new to the world.

But whatever the reason for starting a business, building a successful business is dependent on established principles.

It is how you balance all of these principles, so that all of them exist in your business, and then what emphasis you place on some of them to get you what you want.

The cold hard truth is that you can’t grow a successful business by relying on your knowledge of how to do things, or your passion, or the value of what you bring to the world. All of these, on their own, will not build your successful business.

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Risk Management Planning for the Coronavirus

I know that I have only just published my usual weekly blog post, but as one of my clients said to me, “we live in interesting times.”

I wanted to quickly put out there what a small business can do in relation to risk management planning the effect of the coronavirus pandemic on their businesses.

But first, let’s get things into perspective.

Do not panic. Do not spread rumours and myths. Do not subscribe to the mob mentality that is now on display in supermarkets across the country. Get your information from trusted medical sources including government health departments and information sites.

However, in these “interesting times” it is prudent to be over-cautious in preparing for how the coronavirus can affect your business, so let’s get into what risk management planning you should be doing.

Let me give you a “checklist” of risk-mitigation procedures and strategies to implement in your small business – no need to give me your email, no need to download – here it is.

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