
Archive - 17/09/2019

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Why Business Planning Will Change Your Life!

Why Business Planning Will Change Your Life!

If you are a small business owner, I can guess how you spend your days.

They will be spent in your business. You start the day with goals and priorities, perhaps having organised yourself the night before. During the day, you work on the “daily” things first, like mail and enquiries, then you set out on one of your priorities or a project to improve your business.

But at some time during the day, you look up and realise that somewhere you have got off track. Perhaps someone on your staff asked you for help in doing something, or you saw an email that introduced a great idea to start in your business so you went down that rabbit hole. Or maybe you were even caught in one of your tasks that seemed to go on and on! By the end of the day, you end it like you’ve ended the majority of your days – tired, realising you’ve worked hard again, but really, no closer to achieving your goals.

How do you break this cycle? How do you change your life so that you work gradually and assuredly down a path that will get you to your ultimate goal?

And read on to see how you can download your FREE business planning checklist!

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