
Archive - 12/02/2019

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Are Your Short Term Goals Aimed At Long Term Objectives?

Are Your Short Term Goals Aimed At Long Term Objectives?

Not many small businesses have prepared a business plan.

How can anyone risk their savings and their dreams to open the doors of their new business without a plan?

Don’t get me started! You wouldn’t go grocery shopping without some sort of plan – the shops you need to go to, the route to them in the right order, preparing a shopping list and taking it with you, making sure you have enough fuel in the car, working out where you will park.

Yet many people start or run a business without any plan at all – and a to-do list does not constitute a plan by which you should risk your thousands of dollars!

Now if you do have a business plan, good on you! It means you are taking this seriously, as you should!

But let me ask you this – are the goals that you have listed long-term goals or short-term goals? Read More

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