
Archive - March 2018

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Mini-Training One Day Business Plan Part 2
Mini-Training One Day Business Plan Part 1
Creating Meaningful Goals And Objectives
Strategise About High-Impact Issues

Mini-Training One Day Business Plan Part 2

This is Part 2 of the free mini-training I am giving you on the One Day Business Plan.

You haven’t watched Part 1? What are you doing?

Get over to teikoh.com right now, watch the video and download the free worksheet and start on the first 2 steps before you read and watch on!

Last week in Part 1 – using the example of a restaurant –  I introduced to you the process of starting your business plan from the description of the vision, and then breaking it down into what it means in 6 key characteristics of your vision:

  1. Markets and customers;
  2. Products and services;
  3. Processes and operations;
  4. People and teams;
  5. Infrastructure and equipment; and
  6. Finance and profits.

This week, I will take you through analysing the “goals” you described last week and working out how to get there by formulating strategies and action plans.

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Mini-Training One Day Business Plan Part 1

This week I wanted to give you a taste of my new online training course called The One Day Business Plan.

I have filmed a short and summarised version of the process into two parts and this week, in Part 1, I deal with describing your vision as the starting point of business planning, and then breaking it down into the 6 key identifying characteristics of the description.

You can download the free worksheet for Part 1 here and follow the video.

In the video, and below, I’ll be using a restaurant as an example.

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Creating Meaningful Goals And Objectives

Writing down your goals and objectives is all part of business planning.

But how do you choose your goals and objectives, and do your flow from one to the other?

Many people sit in a business planning workshop, and when getting to the “Goals” part of the discussion, start plucking their wish list out of the air. Then, when asked for their objectives, they usually repeat the goals, but in more detail.

Goals should not come from a wish list or a to-do list. Goals should come as a direct result of examining where you are now, where you want to go, and how to get there from here. While some of your wish list may have come from some consideration of a vision, you need a more process-driven approach.

You can download your free worksheet on how to create meaningful goals and strategies to follow the process.

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Strategise About High-Impact Issues

One of the frequently asked questions I am asked about planning is how many strategies they should have in their strategic or business plan.

My first response is that they should have as many strategies or objectives and actions as are required to take them closer to their goals and their vision. However when I dig deeper, I find that their question comes from overwhelm. I find that as they progress through a planning process and do SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis, identify gaps to bridge, realise the work behind the goals, they end up with a whole series of issues, good ideas and to-do items.

When faced with a myriad of these issues, how do they focus on the right strategies?

Planning is all about simplifying, and to simplify all the inputs I use the principle of “KSI’s”

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